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Active countries: 2474
Currently Logged in: 190

Free For All Clan: Natural Born Killers (NBK)

Seventeenth round: Oct 02, 2012 - Dec 02, 2012
Clan Standings
Membership Rank6 of 35
Total Networth Rank6 of 35
Average Networth Rank13 of 35
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
585 Twain Drinks Warster juice (#3344) 14,258$30,655,216 F
590 MOTHERPHUCKIN BSNAKE ON A PLANE (#3817) 14,015$29,859,934 F
591 oh no we forgot PG (#3342) 13,950$29,792,493 F
593 THEY CALL HIM JUGGSY (#3407) 13,949$29,725,135 F
596 Donny loves the Billi Penis (#3977) 13,872$29,626,332 F
597 TroyTiger hugs skanky trees (#3375) 14,099$29,549,135 F
599 Kemo has a baby penis (#3343) 13,632$29,246,745 F
600 the zodiac killer (#3816) 14,048$29,229,668 F
602 Thunder Thunder Thunder Clap HOO (#3451) 13,877$29,010,438 F
604 Pain the gay cheerleader (#4067) 14,898$28,932,384 F
607 Crippler the Tickler (#3649) 13,735$28,421,772 F
610 Mr Fuji showed me his pokeflute (#3832) 13,957$28,225,181 F
614 Vern is cool though (#4068) 13,630$27,833,056 F
619 I gave BudsMyBud the shocker (#3346) 11,524$27,376,032 F
637 WarTime and Bsnake in a tree FUC (#3101) 12,610$26,052,761 F
642 Link sells me weed (#3452) 12,792$25,881,569 F
650 Restarts (#3695) 19,346$25,452,940 T
762 (#3956) 19,515$16,906,309 M
770 Syndoer 1 (#4001) 19,895$16,515,422 R
772 (#3803) 19,239$16,396,705 M
774 (#3802) 18,991$16,307,682 M
775 NBK (#3382) 18,934$16,203,948 I
777 (#3957) 18,927$16,143,866 M
779 (#3804) 18,447$16,023,063 I
780 Feyenoord (#3437) 18,370$16,002,256 I
781 jack of spades (#3457) 18,277$15,997,077 I
782 (#4043) 18,827$15,972,153 M
783 (#4042) 18,847$15,960,605 M
785 (#4041) 18,792$15,919,970 M
786 (#3801) 18,772$15,817,925 M
811 TBP VI (#3824) 14,063$14,863,555 R
816 (#4072) 17,479$14,680,566 M
818 Is the spaghetti okay (#3781) 16,157$14,660,548 T
833 3705 (#3705) 11,823$13,754,922 C
837 pain (#3791) 13,616$13,650,728 H
839 TBP (#3818) 12,235$13,582,547 R
845 TBP IV (#3822) 13,435$13,464,780 R
846 TBP III (#3821) 12,386$13,438,289 R
848 sundial (#3656) 12,008$13,338,175 C
850 Just stop hitting for a week (#3650) 15,166$13,307,036 T
851 dvorak (#3793) 11,517$13,293,242 C
853 drumroll for me (#3712) 11,173$13,211,810 C
858 I just ate a orange kit kat (#3834) 15,678$13,099,468 T
867 sundial (#3657) 11,618$12,903,070 C
868 TBP II (#3820) 12,552$12,900,200 R
871 Synoder 7 (#4007) 19,777$12,855,386 R
872 Synoder 8 (#4008) 20,128$12,834,789 R
878 TBP IX (#3823) 13,399$12,625,312 R
880 Will rush for top 10 (#4050) 10,508$12,614,426 C
881 Synoder 5 (#4005) 19,858$12,601,938 R
882 TBP XV (#3825) 13,463$12,598,607 R
883 Synoder 3 (#4003) 19,727$12,597,090 R
884 nothing PG about PG (#3336) 14,874$12,583,922 T
885 Will rush for top 10 (#4051) 11,465$12,541,149 C
886 Synoder 4 (#4004) 19,839$12,537,939 R
887 Will rush for top 10 (#4049) 10,003$12,507,340 C
890 Synoder 9 (#4009) 19,707$12,372,549 R
894 Will rush for top 10 (#4048) 10,059$12,239,875 C
900 Ok (#3696) 19,312$12,050,039 T
901 Synoder 2 (#4002) 19,963$11,981,008 R
909 emo kemo loves finding nemo (#3109) 14,779$11,712,942 T
913 qwerty (#3792) 10,361$11,604,365 C
916 sundial (#3658) 11,427$11,569,994 C
923 (#3078) 18,280$11,336,213 I
928 no way high way (#3585) 11,067$11,177,847 C
942 TBP XIII (#3887) 13,356$10,835,183 R
956 Grun (#4171) 12,939$10,596,504 R
962 HaBo (#4172) 12,925$10,499,685 R
966 TBP VIII (#3888) 12,771$10,456,622 R
973 mdevol (#3955) 16,193$10,300,479 T
975 Will rush for top 10 (#4047) 9672$10,265,270 C
977 Will rush for top 10 (#4045) 9888$10,260,947 C
982 Falcons 8 and 0 (#4076) 16,980$10,027,298 T
985 chinese sweatshop (#3760) 15,483$9,985,587 T
989 Synoder 6 (#4006) 16,892$9,907,394 R
990 Zombie I (#4170) 12,202$9,892,727 R
992 Gonna finish top 2000 (#4038) 16,954$9,871,135 T
994 Will rush for top 10 (#4046) 10,692$9,825,574 C
995 mdevol (#3790) 16,895$9,797,269 T
999 netting FTW (#4000) 16,339$9,734,193 T
1003 Noobie (#4173) 12,627$9,581,138 R
1006 Eppo (#4174) 12,631$9,506,393 R
1015 1 (#3426) 15,831$9,294,520 T
1038 killed while voting (#4140) 16,394$8,300,126 T
1041 snow already (#3460) 15,095$8,166,270 T
1046 donny (#3194) 15,172$8,087,553 T
1051 yay not tagkilled yet (#3372) 14,886$7,990,301 T
1060 dead again (#4164) 16,396$7,902,667 T
1074 who likes highlights (#3621) 15,174$7,606,013 T
1081 CC wars cause they cant net (#3312) 15,340$7,464,510 T
1084 Will rush for top 10 (#4052) 10,713$7,413,530 T
1146 TBP I (#3819) 14,380$6,168,723 T
1180 falcons are awesome (#3446) 14,333$5,756,015 T
1197 NooB (#3225) 13,705$5,300,486 T
1232 u spelt more better then Twain (#4109) 15,479$4,103,729 T
1237 My Country go BOOM (#3689) 15,871$4,030,485 T
1247 Zombie Smurf (#4107) 15,748$3,857,935 T
1256 DONKEY KONG PUNCH (#3530) 15,736$3,723,629 T
1257 Da Bears (#4108) 15,380$3,722,924 T
1260 setting death records (#3703) 19,804$3,635,728 T
1263 Its not rocket surgery (#4111) 15,310$3,612,611 T
1265 RISE OF METAL MARIO (#4110) 15,093$3,479,468 T
1266 my asSALT beats your battery (#4113) 15,428$3,470,591 T
1269 Frankenstorm (#3622) 15,576$3,417,078 T
1286 Im ready for turkey (#4112) 11,536$2,941,145 T
1322 (#4073) 17,510$1,749,134 M
1324 nbk (#4116) 17,573$1,670,673 M
1417 CC Sucks (#3197) 4364$540,931 T
1418 galleri pokey NightShade (#1894) 3550$539,767 C
1419 joeskin smegma (#1891) 3448$528,791 C
1423 Tin Man needs oil (#684)  Game profile 3445$516,413 M
1427 TIKI (#4791) 5586$512,562 T
1428 CC Sucks (#2957) 4224$500,230 T
1432 LittleItaly loves me (#695)  Game profile 3786$485,090 R
1433 Warster has highlights (#1914) 4623$482,543 I
1437 Bigwiggle has highlights (#1911) 4567$469,100 I
1444 Rawr (#3385) 4251$434,109 T
1446 CC Sucks (#2949) 3347$430,504 T
1449 Rosary (#3386) 4239$428,234 T
1468 Rockman is stoned (#690)  Game profile 2933$384,022 R
1484 Asing the nearling (#686)  Game profile 3373$344,431 R
1528 6 (#3849) 3458$270,860 M
1529 7 (#3850) 3464$269,470 M
1535 1 (#3844) 3479$259,189 M
1536 3 (#3846) 3617$251,968 M
1539 2 (#3845) 3705$244,508 M
1549 Dragon has highlights (#1912) 3099$229,133 I
1551 4 (#3847) 3058$227,769 M
1598 5 (#3848) 3600$166,968 M
1727 ay (#3948) 1883$93,796 M
1738 hey (#3949) 1802$89,751 M
1759 Dark Passage (#913) 910$79,715 M
1767 Dark Victory (#914) 1000$77,655 M
1818 Casablanca (#912) 814$65,708 F
1848 Key Largo (#915) 788$60,439 M

Ranked countries: 135 (Show all countries)

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