Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2474
Currently Logged in: 190

Free For All Clan: HellsSaints (HS)

Twenty-third round: Oct 03, 2013 - Dec 03, 2013
Homepage: http://www.boxcarhosting.com/...application.php?clanID=HS
Recruitment message: HEY!!! Tired of being picked on by big clans? Want to learn how to be one of the top ranking countries in the game? Want to learn how to kill countries? Want to have more fun while playing earth? If so come join us at Hells Saints. To apply go to http://www.boxcarhosting.com/public/application.php?clanID=HS. Feel free to message me back with any questions you may have. I look forward to seeing you there. ~jcatron~
Clan Standings
Membership Rank6 of 21
Total Networth Rank6 of 21
Average Networth Rank6 of 21
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
204 SOTA (#9) 19,397$56,170,577 H
205 SOTA (#7) 19,467$56,034,809 H
208 SOTA (#13) 19,382$55,072,639 H
209 WAR (#12) 19,352$54,850,977 H
211 SOTA (#15) 19,360$54,456,593 H
213 WAR (#8) 19,551$54,082,393 H
214 WAR (#2) 19,536$53,988,049 H
216 WAR (#16) 19,492$53,772,039 H
217 WAR (#6) 19,514$53,580,090 H
218 WAR (#10) 19,452$53,329,557 H
219 WAR (#14) 19,401$53,328,580 H
221 SOTA (#11) 19,382$51,842,211 H
226 WAR (#4) 19,259$50,761,622 H
229 SOTA (#1) 19,362$50,107,823 H
231 Orrin G Hatch (#392) 27,937$49,941,005 R
233 SOTA (#5) 19,146$49,557,463 H
235 Marco Rubio (#393) 27,486$49,140,349 R
243 Paul Ryan (#390) 29,238$46,752,939 R
245 Eric Cantor (#383) 25,441$46,508,124 F
250 Nancy Pelosi (#385) 25,994$45,994,710 F
252 John A Boehner (#382) 27,031$45,708,673 F
257 Rand Paul (#391) 26,619$45,022,821 R
258 Kevin McCarthy (#384) 25,774$44,928,166 F
282 Steny Hoyer (#386) 28,006$41,399,040 T
289 Dianne Feinstein (#387) 28,376$39,655,792 T
297 Dick Durbin (#388) 27,051$38,834,929 T
362 iWall (#2631) 22,236$26,286,767 T
366 Obamacares (#2717) 21,809$25,802,036 T
398 Mitch McConnell (#379) 24,707$22,726,954 T
413 Patrick Leahy (#380) 14,760$21,617,175 H
454 John Cornyn (#381) 14,779$18,564,737 H
455 Steelers (#427) 10,747$18,526,969 C
460 Texans (#442) 10,977$18,177,107 C
462 SOTA33 (#3067) 17,322$18,074,454 I
470 Ravens (#429) 10,895$17,649,867 C
471 Giants (#434) 11,101$17,580,424 C
474 Rams (#439) 9999$17,413,802 C
478 Cowboys (#432) 10,260$17,103,521 C
484 Browns (#430) 10,483$16,853,126 C
485 Bills (#440) 10,378$16,845,027 C
486 Redskins (#431) 10,866$16,794,371 C
487 49ers (#438) 10,858$16,700,146 C
493 Vikings (#436) 11,018$16,538,621 C
494 Bengals (#428) 10,022$16,529,544 C
496 Dolphins (#435) 10,359$16,478,065 C
504 Chiefs (#441) 11,277$16,386,462 C
514 Saints (#437) 10,387$16,019,272 C
519 Eagles (#433) 10,157$15,821,171 C
640 1 (#659)  Game profile 15,300$11,191,733 D
648 Hell Fire (#1521)  Game profile 15,263$10,792,543 T
654 4 (#662)  Game profile 15,273$10,476,104 D
668 3 (#661)  Game profile 14,417$10,177,565 D
669 6 (#664)  Game profile 14,613$10,168,573 D
670 5 (#663)  Game profile 14,521$10,160,294 I
677 2 (#660)  Game profile 14,245$9,788,275 D
685 Hell O (#1531)  Game profile 13,434$9,424,292 T
689 8 (#666)  Game profile 13,921$9,182,378 D
696 14 (#672)  Game profile 13,912$9,131,202 I
698 7 (#665)  Game profile 13,968$9,119,980 D
703 15 (#673)  Game profile 13,934$9,090,874 I
704 11 (#669)  Game profile 14,041$9,078,842 I
705 9 (#667)  Game profile 14,058$9,061,830 I
714 13 (#671)  Game profile 14,153$8,958,604 I
715 12 (#670)  Game profile 14,019$8,956,199 I
716 16 (#674)  Game profile 13,892$8,932,976 I
729 10 (#668)  Game profile 14,005$8,712,626 I
766 Hell This (#1522)  Game profile 13,886$7,895,893 T
782 Hell Spawn (#1528)  Game profile 13,904$7,554,861 T
788 Thats Hot as Hell (#1527)  Game profile 13,929$7,439,002 T
795 Shut the Hell Off (#1526)  Game profile 13,928$7,020,989 T
806 Hell on Earth (#1534)  Game profile 14,265$6,762,306 T
807 Hells Angels (#1520)  Game profile 13,755$6,725,099 T
810 Shes Hot as Hell (#1530)  Game profile 14,522$6,651,054 T
811 Your going to Hell (#1524)  Game profile 13,167$6,637,895 T
816 Burn in Hell Fluffer (#1532)  Game profile 14,467$6,501,442 T
820 Hells Bells (#1535)  Game profile 14,548$6,324,727 T
832 Go to Hell (#1533)  Game profile 14,482$6,103,168 T
835 Hell That (#1523)  Game profile 13,722$5,882,153 T
972 Killswitch Engaged (#2503)  Game profile 6033$3,101,206 I
979 Hells Saints like liquir (#401) 9365$3,056,362 T
1039 HS rebel yell (#395) 9335$2,604,861 T
1052 Hells Saints for fun (#405) 7107$2,540,513 T
1054 Goo bye (#408) 9237$2,537,719 T
1077 Stinger is a pank (#406) 6308$2,275,320 T
1137 Arizona Phx (#2959)  Game profile 2924$1,038,750 I
1155 sixteen (#2820) 7658$646,889 M
1156 g (#2849) 7630$646,671 M
1157 fifteen (#2819) 7633$645,819 M
1158 h (#2850) 7578$636,745 M
1159 m (#2855) 7531$636,641 M
1160 fourteen (#2818) 7564$635,985 M
1162 j (#2852) 7440$633,140 M
1163 d (#2846) 7499$632,874 M
1164 k (#2853) 7517$632,183 M
1165 l (#2854) 7472$628,557 M
1166 i (#2851) 7384$625,784 M
1167 e (#2847) 7474$623,713 M
1168 f (#2848) 7432$623,591 M
1169 c (#2845) 7302$618,770 M
1171 a (#2843) 7322$611,777 M
1174 b (#2844) 7365$609,295 M
1196 TIE (#3277) 2950$514,374 C
1198 blah (#3279) 2812$509,336 C
1203 LaFing at you TIEd up (#3278) 2824$482,579 C
1216 Immortal Knights (#3276) 2919$461,537 C
1228 mob likes it in the butt (#2708) 2732$441,370 M
1244 ISW (#3273) 2513$409,637 C
1249 Steel (#3274) 2389$403,096 C
1268 Seawolf (#3275) 2705$372,300 C
1275 flo sucks mobs fluff (#2707) 2445$366,833 M
1306 suck my fat balls (#3177) 2612$322,576 M

Ranked countries: 111 (Show all countries)

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