Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2458
Currently Logged in: 194

Top Players - Free For All

Next Reset Twenty-sixth round: Apr 04, 2014 - Jun 03, 2014 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 2262 countries in the Free For All server.

1 I OWN the Top 10 (#789)  Game profile 278,750$1,129,573,936 H TKOwnd
2 XxWaNgErxX (#978)  Game profile 67,549$1,046,560,373 DG TKOwnd
3 creighton (#1) 237,367$824,964,628 H TKOwnd
4 I OWN the Top 10 (#788)  Game profile 232,977$807,260,971 H TKOwnd
5 Strange Famous (#139)  Game profile 378,570$727,285,387 H TKOwnd
6 I OWN the Top 10 (#787)  Game profile 236,711$683,473,118 H TKOwnd
7 Dan Uggla (#17)  Game profile 75,865$568,256,577 D TKOwnd
8 Elevator Fart (#696) 109,138$546,913,587 H xICDx
9 CC Lives (#669)  Game profile 14,522$543,851,884 DG CC
10 I OWN the Top 10 (#786)  Game profile 51,675$352,086,441 H TKOwnd
11 Band Of Brothers (#1225) 42,372$308,271,815 D TKOwnd
12 The vanishing Buyout (#217)  Game profile 31,658$281,359,800 D xICDx
13 Stocking is Hocus Pocus (#216)  Game profile 33,094$259,890,327 D xICDx
14 Netting is Magic (#214)  Game profile 31,410$257,701,355 D xICDx
15 TKO LiNa (#101) 80,207$253,256,577 H TKOwnd
16 Abra Cadabra top 100 (#215)  Game profile 31,570$249,772,262 D xICDx
17 Silly Clownz (#716) 31,817$241,347,969 D xICDx
18 200 mil requires HooDoo (#220)  Game profile 54,245$240,208,049 H xICDx
19 winning strategy (#1250) 36,216$238,949,614 HG TITS
20 Pulling Net out of a Hat (#218)  Game profile 52,083$233,031,878 H xICDx
21 Voodoo Destocking (#219)  Game profile 52,858$228,349,904 H xICDx
22 ICD will Net (#1230) 30,326$227,635,197 D xICDx
23 T K O (#114) 127,275$227,521,843 H TKOwnd
24 budget (#270) 181,368$222,150,543 R TKOwnd
25 ICD has got the Magic (#226)  Game profile 53,991$222,116,062 H xICDx
26 Market Card Tricks (#221)  Game profile 56,682$214,212,326 H xICDx
27 Eye Candy (#697) 46,548$212,713,595 H xICDx
28 Clownz With Dope (#1231) 32,625$204,777,008 D xICDx
29 Deception to Net (#223)  Game profile 56,808$199,434,489 H xICDx
30 FYA the Gathering (#227)  Game profile 57,194$198,603,282 H xICDx
31 Misdirection of Oil (#224)  Game profile 54,687$198,474,928 H xICDx
32 Sprinkling Networth Dust (#225)  Game profile 55,721$196,746,600 H xICDx
33 Insane for sure (#1232) 33,572$191,628,240 D xICDx
34 Cutting Bushels in Half (#222)  Game profile 54,110$191,440,076 H xICDx
35 Smartest Netter in the Room (#229)  Game profile 46,616$184,087,407 H xICDx
36 (#413)  Game profile 134,486$181,981,719 R xICDx
37 5 (#1607)  Game profile 79,348$175,221,620 H xICDx
38 12 (#1614)  Game profile 81,797$173,391,485 H xICDx
39 50 mil avg net (#1239) 51,289$173,069,962 H xICDx
40 Despie Loves Roosters (#1235) 51,288$172,622,022 H xICDx
41 25 mil avg net (#1238) 53,628$171,539,429 H xICDx
42 11 (#1613)  Game profile 80,265$170,705,940 H xICDx
43 15 (#1617)  Game profile 81,061$170,659,201 H xICDx
44 6 (#1608)  Game profile 78,659$169,754,828 H xICDx
45 9 (#1611)  Game profile 79,618$169,378,993 H xICDx
46 7 (#1609)  Game profile 78,514$169,044,949 H xICDx
47 8 (#1610)  Game profile 79,855$168,643,861 H xICDx
48 16 (#1618)  Game profile 81,705$168,247,399 H xICDx
49 125 mil avg net (#1242) 53,789$168,219,417 H xICDx
50 RaTS Loves Crippler (#1233) 50,278$167,819,008 H xICDx
51 13 (#1615)  Game profile 79,876$167,410,020 H xICDx
52 14 (#1616)  Game profile 80,739$166,934,728 H xICDx
53 10 (#1612)  Game profile 79,058$166,589,788 H xICDx
54 10mil avg net (#1237) 52,196$165,540,189 H xICDx
55 Sherita Loves Skittles (#1234) 50,697$164,777,999 H xICDx
56 100 mil avg net (#1241) 50,758$164,305,288 H xICDx
57 4 (#1606)  Game profile 74,751$163,663,125 H xICDx
58 150 mil avg net (#1243) 52,557$163,441,234 H xICDx
59 Tutuwarrior TKO (#119)  Game profile 57,391$162,895,239 H TKOwnd
60 2 (#1604)  Game profile 71,102$159,438,444 H xICDx
61 200 mil avg net (#1244) 50,871$159,196,935 H xICDx
62 Gangbangs not my style (#1236) 50,155$158,702,684 H xICDx
63 75 mil avg net (#1240) 50,233$158,169,807 H xICDx
64 Marshall Stack (#689) 47,145$157,322,265 H xICDx
65 Tutuwarrior TKO (#120)  Game profile 59,237$157,009,471 H TKOwnd
66 1 (#1603)  Game profile 69,426$156,295,703 H xICDx
67 3 (#1605)  Game profile 73,950$155,718,813 H xICDx
68 Tricking my way into the top 100 (#228)  Game profile 42,406$154,626,349 H xICDx
69 Tutuwarrior TKO (#122)  Game profile 58,017$154,082,389 H TKOwnd
70 The Prince (#180)  Game profile 112,417$153,771,452 F xICDx
71 Tutuwarrior TKO (#127)  Game profile 55,703$149,285,875 H TKOwnd
72 Tutuwarrior TKO (#117)  Game profile 56,910$149,274,993 H TKOwnd
73 (#414)  Game profile 118,841$148,890,284 R xICDx
74 Tutuwarrior TKO (#118)  Game profile 56,137$148,690,365 H TKOwnd
75 Tutuwarrior TKO (#125)  Game profile 55,386$148,505,391 H TKOwnd
76 Tutuwarrior TKO (#132)  Game profile 54,927$147,769,717 H TKOwnd
77 Tutuwarrior TKO (#128)  Game profile 55,958$145,933,787 H TKOwnd
78 PRSDragon (#684) 46,195$145,466,600 H xICDx
79 Strange Famous (#142)  Game profile 80,134$143,079,485 C TKOwnd
80 (#415)  Game profile 128,680$142,827,208 R xICDx
81 The OVERLORDs 4 THE WIN (#1756)  Game profile 49,259$142,596,919 H OVERLORD
82 Eaters Of The Living (#1752)  Game profile 48,804$142,580,671 H OVERLORD
83 DIE OVERLORDs MACHT FREI (#1751)  Game profile 49,396$142,523,490 H OVERLORD
84 OVERLORD Spec Ops (#1759)  Game profile 49,277$142,464,255 H OVERLORD
85 Tutuwarrior TKO (#121)  Game profile 58,430$141,503,163 H TKOwnd
86 (#416)  Game profile 131,212$140,687,007 R xICDx
87 Tutuwarrior TKO (#131)  Game profile 57,552$138,480,445 H TKOwnd
88 winning strategy 15 (#1264) 30,102$136,118,875 HG TITS
89 XxWaNgErxX (#993)  Game profile 45,395$136,012,813 H TKOwnd
90 Tutuwarrior TKO (#126)  Game profile 54,650$135,824,183 H TKOwnd
91 Tutuwarrior TKO (#123)  Game profile 57,416$134,757,609 H TKOwnd
92 darsh 4 (#681)  Game profile 22,071$133,259,585 H xICDx
93 OVERLORD AGENDA (#1760)  Game profile 49,659$132,438,320 H OVERLORD
94 budget14 (#284) 14,217$132,110,268 R TKOwnd
95 OVERLORD WARMONGER (#1757)  Game profile 49,825$132,097,298 H OVERLORD
96 Bjs bandits 5 (#73) 27,076$131,673,735 H xICDx
97 Tutuwarrior TKO (#130)  Game profile 55,180$131,181,895 H TKOwnd
98 Tutuwarrior TKO (#129)  Game profile 54,513$130,991,082 H TKOwnd
99 darsh 3 (#680)  Game profile 21,463$128,853,560 H xICDx
100 darsh 1 (#678)  Game profile 21,713$128,023,620 H xICDx

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