Active countries: 2458
Currently Logged in: 194
Currently Logged in: 194
Free For All Clan: Insane Multi Posse (IMP)
Fourth round: Jul 22, 2010 - Sep 22, 2010
Recruitment message: To the crazy person, the normal one is insane. Are you crazy enough to kill with us old-school FFA style?
Recruitment message: To the crazy person, the normal one is insane. Are you crazy enough to kill with us old-school FFA style?
Clan Standings | |
Membership Rank | 5 of 27 |
Total Networth Rank | 8 of 27 |
Average Networth Rank | 8 of 27 |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Spec | |
355 | Lexington II (#958) | 41,972 | $48,521,525 | R | |
365 | Ranger (#946) | 39,066 | $46,738,977 | C | |
386 | Saratoga (#945) | 39,656 | $43,714,801 | C | |
407 | Wasp (#949) | 37,473 | $40,799,935 | C | |
415 | Randolph (#957) | 35,106 | $40,115,134 | H | |
420 | Can You Hear Me Now (#3110) | 12,645 | $39,800,043 | D | |
445 | Enterprise (#948) | 37,285 | $38,389,241 | H | |
522 | Hornet (#950) | 34,560 | $34,254,975 | R | |
530 | Intrepid (#953) | 32,556 | $34,001,101 | C | |
535 | Yorktown (#947) | 40,150 | $33,853,738 | H | |
540 | Hornet II (#954) | 37,989 | $33,678,840 | C | |
688 | Langley (#943) | 35,617 | $25,238,133 | F | |
708 | Essex (#951) | 35,427 | $24,113,019 | F | |
711 | Stacey Donovan (#3095) | 12,563 | $23,765,359 | D | |
712 | Ticonderoga (#956) | 34,975 | $23,706,800 | F | |
722 | Lexington (#944) | 38,859 | $23,206,828 | F | |
740 | Your Sister is Your Mom (#3089) | 12,544 | $22,526,875 | D | |
744 | g (#3060) ![]() |
19,372 | $22,363,842 | F | |
765 | Hickory Dick (#3092) | 12,542 | $21,870,263 | D | |
767 | Yorktown II (#952) | 35,794 | $21,793,507 | F | |
770 | Your Daddy Swallows (#3088) | 12,546 | $21,767,483 | D | |
771 | toofless (#3087) ![]() |
19,434 | $21,750,935 | F | |
775 | CarmenDeAzz Remix (#3029) ![]() |
20,079 | $21,685,168 | F | |
812 | s (#3059) ![]() |
18,901 | $20,815,176 | F | |
818 | Gordian Sentinels (#3067) | 12,562 | $20,691,706 | D | |
829 | v (#3058) ![]() |
19,331 | $20,472,414 | F | |
837 | Pythagorean Theorum (#3065) | 12,567 | $20,398,052 | D | |
848 | Ginger Lynn (#3094) | 12,547 | $19,895,232 | D | |
862 | MrTbag Remix (#3028) ![]() |
18,098 | $19,542,993 | F | |
866 | Rub a Dub Dub 3 Ghey Men (#3091) | 12,544 | $19,457,602 | D | |
870 | m (#3057) ![]() |
18,843 | $19,360,919 | F | |
874 | DannyBonaDouchebag Remix (#3030) ![]() |
18,882 | $19,293,431 | F | |
876 | Rowanda at Your House (#3063) | 18,157 | $19,271,163 | C | |
878 | b (#3055) ![]() |
18,612 | $19,208,830 | F | |
880 | Occums Razor (#3066) | 12,564 | $19,128,253 | D | |
886 | Aunt Peg (#3093) | 12,543 | $19,043,693 | D | |
887 | Nth Degree (#3064) | 18,124 | $19,016,284 | C | |
908 | All in the Family (#3090) | 12,565 | $18,316,854 | D | |
912 | Franklin (#955) | 32,762 | $18,218,199 | F | |
940 | i (#3056) ![]() |
18,904 | $16,921,089 | F | |
960 | Antipas (#3062) | 18,166 | $16,347,114 | C | |
995 | MelLippedSome (#1248) ![]() |
11,577 | $15,567,589 | H | |
1051 | LadyGagGag (#783) ![]() |
10,999 | $14,182,716 | H | |
1062 | floozie (#3034) ![]() |
17,892 | $13,753,327 | C | |
1076 | More Human than Human (#3061) | 18,133 | $13,143,175 | C | |
1101 | mamma (#3032) ![]() |
18,265 | $11,965,172 | C | |
1121 | RIH Uga VI (#3164) | 27,370 | $11,237,817 | T | |
1132 | mia (#3033) ![]() |
18,074 | $10,790,201 | C | |
1134 | x men (#3138) | 13,430 | $10,622,945 | I | |
1136 | nobody is my name (#3129) | 13,430 | $10,582,884 | I | |
1137 | my name is nobody (#3130) | 13,430 | $10,578,515 | I | |
1138 | negative return (#3137) | 13,430 | $10,530,889 | I | |
1140 | 2xsixmine (#3140) | 13,430 | $10,516,436 | I | |
1141 | sixteen candles (#3144) | 13,430 | $10,453,102 | I | |
1142 | no body found (#3132) | 13,430 | $10,403,748 | I | |
1146 | nobody home (#3131) | 13,430 | $10,288,934 | I | |
1147 | semajelcnu (#3133) | 13,430 | $10,235,611 | I | |
1148 | eight pieces of gold (#3136) | 13,430 | $10,210,995 | I | |
1149 | thats mr nobody to u (#3135) | 13,430 | $10,187,249 | I | |
1151 | the eleventh hour (#3139) | 13,430 | $10,152,238 | I | |
1153 | badtothebone (#3141) | 13,430 | $10,100,746 | I | |
1162 | isthistherightplace (#3134) | 13,430 | $9,877,796 | I | |
1164 | 30dividedx (#3143) | 13,430 | $9,772,129 | I | |
1171 | WhenHarryAteSally Remix (#3031) ![]() |
17,917 | $9,604,783 | C | |
1173 | one of many (#3142) | 13,430 | $9,587,759 | I | |
1190 | 5 (#3122) | 13,404 | $9,115,440 | R | |
1199 | 7 (#3123) | 10,949 | $8,906,841 | R | |
1202 | I say Have A Nice Day (#3119) | 24,667 | $8,826,434 | R | |
1204 | I show the wind how to fly (#3117) | 20,468 | $8,779,256 | R | |
1206 | rolling with the dice (#3115) | 33,132 | $8,710,896 | R | |
1232 | When the world gets in my face (#3118) | 26,862 | $8,016,481 | R | |
1237 | thug U (#3163) | 11,382 | $7,756,268 | T | |
1255 | 3 (#3121) | 11,603 | $7,446,720 | R | |
1257 | Shining like a diamond (#3114) | 29,402 | $7,415,646 | R | |
1258 | 1 (#3120) | 13,583 | $7,387,923 | R | |
1261 | Standing on the ledge (#3116) | 32,076 | $7,286,339 | R | |
1273 | 9 (#3124) | 10,410 | $6,898,830 | R | |
1290 | To Hell With Georgia (#3161) | 12,073 | $6,302,545 | T | |
1374 | CantSpellThugWithoutUT (#3162) | 6735 | $4,408,495 | T | |
1488 | Kensucky (#3165) | 10,472 | $3,231,893 | T | |
1579 | Yuengling (#1623) | 5289 | $2,449,999 | I | |
1610 | I hope youll dance (#1271) | 3316 | $2,091,870 | I | |
1622 | Football lives in America (#1622) | 4251 | $1,955,203 | I | |
1638 | you love me (#790) | 6167 | $1,809,259 | F | |
1654 | were a happy family (#791) | 5006 | $1,624,257 | F | |
1659 | World Cup sucks (#1621) | 4393 | $1,575,424 | I | |
1692 | wont you say you (#794) | 3203 | $1,240,989 | F | |
1696 | with a great big hug (#792) | 4652 | $1,216,027 | F | |
1730 | love me too (#795) | 3408 | $917,293 | F | |
1817 | Rock (#3239) | 3004 | $398,766 | C | |
1840 | Paper (#3240) | 2904 | $326,404 | C | |
1849 | Our Mrs Reynolds (#762) | 2344 | $282,538 | C | |
1860 | WhatchuTalkinBoutWillis (#2077) | 2337 | $230,129 | R | |
1868 | Scissors (#3241) | 1853 | $212,726 | C | |
1880 | Rabid Squirrel (#2076) | 1859 | $185,646 | R | |
2013 | Fire (#3242) | 849 | $77,394 | M | |
2194 | Wheel of Fortune (#2966) | 120 | $7558 | C | |
2208 | SelfFarmersAreSoAwesome (#2078) | 140 | $6517 | M | |
2275 | LotsOfLandMeansImCoolRight (#2079) | 120 | $5617 | M | |
2290 | a (#3100) | 120 | $5617 | M | |
2291 | b (#3101) | 120 | $5617 | M | |
2292 | c (#3102) | 120 | $5617 | M | |
2293 | d (#3103) | 120 | $5617 | M | |
2294 | e (#3104) | 120 | $5617 | M | |
2295 | f (#3105) | 120 | $5617 | M | |
2296 | I dont want (#3313) | 120 | $5617 | M | |
2579 | That is why you fail (#2614) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2580 | I am your father (#2615) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2581 | You seek Yoda (#2616) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2582 | You are not a Jedi yet (#2617) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2583 | Use the force (#2618) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2660 | Verizon (#2963) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2661 | 8008135 (#2964) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2662 | High Speed Chase (#2965) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2717 | Dynamite (#3243) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2722 | anybody else (#3314) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2723 | when I think about you (#3315) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2724 | I touch myself (#3316) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2725 | Loving you (#3317) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2726 | is easy (#3318) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2727 | beacause youre beautiful (#3319) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2728 | dootin dootin doo doo (#3320) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2729 | Gimme (#3338) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2730 | Some (#3339) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2731 | Lovin (#3340) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
2732 | cheesypoofs (#3346) | 100 | $4717 | M |
Ranked countries: 126 (Show all countries)
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