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Top Clans - Free For All

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Top 22 (out of 22) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Insane Multi Posse IMP 153 $27,342,619,075 $178,709,929
Insane Clowns w/Dope xICDx 56 $9,517,651,645 $169,958,065
Carpe Cerevisi CC 144 $8,126,123,047 $56,431,410
Natural Born Killers NBK 32 $4,473,235,361 $139,788,605
The Kings Order ArwenTKO 80 $4,120,947,907 $51,511,849
IMP ARMY ARMYxIMP 64 $3,190,369,587 $49,849,525
llaar llaar 16 $2,078,698,737 $129,918,671
DEUteronomy xDEUx 16 $1,904,547,988 $119,034,249
primal PRIME 16 $1,145,170,383 $71,573,149
RELIC HUNTER SCIFI 16 $966,610,299 $60,413,144
xFCNx xFCNx 16 $664,169,057 $41,510,566
Pandora Last Vikings PANLVxTC 32 $657,760,987 $20,555,031
WARxICD WARxICD 44 $409,721,288 $9,311,847
Lords of Chaos LoC 53 $90,890,379 $1,714,913
Danger From Underneath DFU 7 $58,383,710 $5,838,371
Blitzville Blitz 16 $41,197,539 $2,574,846
xRODx xRODx 1 $24,145,892 $2,414,589
STG SIC 4 $9,002,396 $900,240
Thunderbolt3 TB3 1 $5,915,792 $591,579
nublet nublet 16 $2,096,218 $131,014
Obviously 5 Believers o5b 3 $1,257,231 $125,723
Cows With Guns CWG 4 $19,768 $1977

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