Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2458
Currently Logged in: 194

Top Players - Free For All

Next Reset Forty-fifth round: Jun 06, 2017 - Aug 05, 2017 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 2675 countries in the Free For All server.

1 2 (#1477) 33$6,121,853,710 D LoC
2 KeeBrady (#141) 99,723$4,862,661,412 DG xICDx
3 maximusfaith (#4024) 509,736$3,200,354,445 H IMP
4 Cryin Again16 (#1615)  Game profile 8486$1,975,941,788 DG xCAx
5 Sixteen (#1251) 113,831$1,565,087,667 DG LoC
6 (#3224) 633,781$1,229,769,976 HG IMP
7 The Untouchable SV (#936)  Game profile 363,106$1,210,722,090 H xICDx
8 Feminism is cancer (#368)  Game profile 68,288$1,199,156,335 FG IMP
9 SWEDISH SUPREMACY (#921)  Game profile 367,070$1,146,860,488 H xICDx
10 DIE OVERLORDs MACHT FREI (#925)  Game profile 362,847$1,138,938,189 H xICDx
11 (#2953) 37,471$1,076,580,395 DG IMP
12 C R O A T I A (#772)  Game profile 11,522$860,532,111 D xNBKx
13 Eaters of the Living (#923)  Game profile 365,863$755,267,413 H xICDx
14 OVERLORD WARMONGER (#931)  Game profile 367,837$751,094,753 H xICDx
15 OVERLORD WARMACHINE (#928)  Game profile 365,659$750,825,547 H xICDx
16 OVERLORD BONECRUSHER (#935)  Game profile 361,009$749,576,004 H xICDx
17 OVERLORD DOMINATOR (#927)  Game profile 365,550$743,954,282 H xICDx
18 Little Big OVERLORD (#930)  Game profile 364,963$742,508,044 H xICDx
19 OVERLORD PSYCHO (#926)  Game profile 365,906$741,332,353 H xICDx
20 OVERLORD COMMANDO (#933)  Game profile 364,131$737,401,769 H xICDx
21 The OVERLORDs 4 THE WIN (#932)  Game profile 363,554$736,777,776 H xICDx
22 OVERLORD WARRIOR (#922)  Game profile 365,289$733,764,962 H xICDx
23 GAME OVERlord (#934)  Game profile 361,799$732,953,036 H xICDx
24 Eaters of the Dead (#924)  Game profile 365,433$732,254,436 H xICDx
25 OVERLORD NETTING MACHINE (#929)  Game profile 363,756$732,117,978 H xICDx
26 (#652) 69,173$579,942,568 T IMP
27 veLoCity (#760)  Game profile 251,593$492,243,994 F LoC
28 B26 (#210)  Game profile 96,851$423,673,484 H xICDx
29 B52 (#206)  Game profile 86,593$420,372,622 D xICDx
30 Im (#1560)  Game profile 73$382,306,597 HG IMP
31 SBD (#209)  Game profile 95,861$356,898,564 H xICDx
32 heavy (#617)  Game profile 82,356$351,262,006 H xICDx
33 gunLoCk (#755)  Game profile 249,726$344,647,372 F LoC
34 chunky (#616)  Game profile 89,079$338,833,346 H xICDx
35 B1 (#208)  Game profile 95,412$337,358,476 H xICDx
36 inflated (#618)  Game profile 82,869$334,688,093 H xICDx
37 large (#619)  Game profile 84,526$331,277,774 H xICDx
38 bulky (#615)  Game profile 72,774$324,093,599 H xICDx
39 gridLoCk (#754)  Game profile 246,822$322,303,098 F LoC
40 pickLoCk (#757)  Game profile 235,500$321,472,163 F LoC
41 deadLoCked (#753)  Game profile 232,914$318,462,018 F LoC
42 B25 (#205)  Game profile 88,988$314,760,207 H xICDx
43 warLoCk (#758)  Game profile 241,595$304,837,267 F LoC
44 free (#1517) 246,984$298,451,988 T LoC
45 xyLoCarp (#759)  Game profile 233,597$296,119,114 F LoC
46 Florida (#1274) 129,415$295,352,318 F xICDx
47 obese (#621)  Game profile 81,458$294,259,260 H xICDx
48 am (#1515) 219,014$292,633,076 F LoC
49 burly (#623)  Game profile 68,675$292,170,106 H xICDx
50 bulging (#614)  Game profile 79,428$290,490,861 H xICDx
51 misLoCating (#756)  Game profile 251,693$288,515,020 F LoC
52 maximusfaith (#1417) 328,568$285,438,428 H IMP
53 F4U4 (#201)  Game profile 104,001$283,822,393 H xICDx
54 I (#1514) 218,724$283,001,555 R LoC
55 heavyset (#620)  Game profile 74,651$282,791,179 H xICDx
56 Not (#1561)  Game profile 91$282,355,098 HG IMP
57 broad (#624)  Game profile 64,967$281,739,750 H xICDx
58 1 (#1476) 220,882$278,144,896 H LoC
59 a (#1512) 243,735$277,795,130 F LoC
60 Sixteen (#1250) 59,548$267,443,963 H LoC
61 FWF (#202)  Game profile 100,220$259,902,913 H xICDx
62 lard (#625)  Game profile 48,492$256,807,734 H xICDx
63 Indiana (#1273) 125,486$247,486,991 F xICDx
64 Sixteen (#1260) 57,869$246,983,236 H LoC
65 South Carolina (#1279) 79,574$244,202,291 R xICDx
66 number (#1513) 253,930$243,449,138 F LoC
67 Nevada (#1278) 118,278$240,831,261 F xICDx
68 Delaware (#1283) 76,994$238,876,447 R xICDx
69 haha (#1519) 102$238,837,066 D LoC
70 New York (#1284) 80,652$238,613,304 R xICDx
71 Vermont (#1285) 80,508$237,980,856 R xICDx
72 man (#1518) 190,160$236,847,391 F LoC
73 Mississippi (#1281) 73,948$236,570,709 R xICDx
74 Alabama (#1276) 124,300$234,190,697 F xICDx
75 Michigan (#1282) 75,714$234,011,772 R xICDx
76 a (#1516) 103$233,125,960 D LoC
77 Pull The Strings (#1315)  Game profile 61,253$232,520,371 RG LoC
78 Texas (#1286) 74,627$227,549,815 R xICDx
79 Hate (#960) 83,458$225,872,356 H xICDx
80 LoC 4 (#791) 158,075$222,741,013 F LoC
81 Arkansas (#1277) 117,181$222,525,882 F xICDx
82 Sherita (#962) 83,422$221,126,134 H xICDx
83 Georgia (#1275) 119,793$217,168,905 F xICDx
84 5 (#1480) 65,709$216,526,098 DG LoC
85 LoC 5 (#792) 146,610$214,725,050 F LoC
86 The trooper (#280)  Game profile 50,368$213,352,220 D xICDx
87 Sixteen (#1252) 58,733$213,285,963 H LoC
88 husky (#627)  Game profile 45,785$211,720,201 H xICDx
89 not (#1511) 63,192$210,388,166 D LoC
90 You (#961) 82,547$210,053,051 H xICDx
91 I (#959) 82,601$210,029,208 H xICDx
92 LoC 3 (#790) 153,951$208,244,431 F LoC
93 B17 (#203)  Game profile 76,441$207,831,954 H xICDx
94 4 (#1479) 168,100$205,107,612 F LoC
95 distended (#626)  Game profile 51,361$201,433,294 H xICDx
96 Sixteen (#1259) 60,851$199,211,564 H LoC
97 LoC 8 (#795) 147,977$197,495,289 F LoC
98 plump (#622)  Game profile 82,918$197,381,191 H xICDx
99 Sixteen (#1255) 58,810$197,290,202 H LoC
100 Sixteen (#1253) 58,814$195,465,612 H LoC

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