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Active countries: 2459
Currently Logged in: 193

Free For All Clan: The Honoured Society (xxTHSxx)

Fifth round: Sep 23, 2010 - Nov 23, 2010
Recruitment message: HELP WANTED: The Honoured Society is presently seeking applicants to fill a variety of positions in our alliance, including leadership positions. To apply please visit: http://www.boxcarhosting.com/public/application.php?clanID=THS
Clan Standings
Membership Rank11 of 32
Total Networth Rank6 of 32
Average Networth Rank4 of 32
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
58 MM is my Earth Donna (#1227) 13,541$124,579,416 H
62 THS top 100 (#1233) 12,679$119,386,317 H
63 Vinny Thinks His is Big (#1226) 11,859$119,175,986 H
66 Mafia Mama Boot Camp (#1230) 12,006$117,262,057 H
67 Jiffy Makes Me Moist (#1229) 14,018$116,724,879 H
68 Zuespedo Crotch Wear Ltd (#1228) 11,928$115,706,483 H
70 A THS 90M NW Country (#1232) 11,852$113,407,127 H
76 I Need a SkanK THSr Now (#1231) 12,235$107,958,736 H
81 THS top 25 (#1235) 12,042$105,988,486 H
86 THS top 50 (#1234) 11,427$99,769,049 H
246 Honoured Society Sex Machine (#1221) 29,493$39,467,934 C
249 Jeweler Wears UnderAlls (#1225) 28,263$39,195,639 C
262 Why Is Jiffy Sexed 4 Me (#1223) 28,046$37,380,968 C
265 The Honoured Society (#1220) 27,103$37,176,622 C
279 THS 4 Da Win (#1222) 27,348$35,864,240 C
280 Zues Needs New Boots (#1224) 27,934$35,754,226 C
412 Hung like A tuna can (#2099) 14,159$25,826,372 H
579 Zues wears pink BoOtS (#2100) 22,372$16,477,194 M
596 Trained to Hippy Slay (#2101) 12,731$16,011,141 R
670 Cheesy Poofs From Hell (#1306) 27,585$14,123,239 H
729 A N D R O M E D A (#1309) 25,427$12,360,569 H
794 Coffee House (#1333) 17,199$10,651,658 C
798 Covino Exports (#1332) 20,756$10,570,989 R
810 Covino Imports (#1331) 21,474$10,206,597 R
833 P E G A S U S (#1313) 17,565$9,422,868 H
838 Vinnys Farm (#1334) 16,678$9,320,168 T
841 Terrain League (#1337) 19,249$9,260,159 R
847 Vinny LIKES u likes u (#2102) 13,380$9,126,220 R
850 The Killer Elite (#1316) 19,730$9,027,994 H
855 Honour amongst men (#1336) 18,799$8,877,712 R
867 Scotts a pain (#1335) 20,439$8,724,264 R
873 C A S S I O P E I A E (#1311) 19,850$8,594,526 H
877 P L I E D E S (#1315) 18,926$8,482,067 H
886 O R I O N (#1317) 18,610$8,174,400 H
889 A L C Y O N E (#1307) 21,480$8,037,287 H
894 D R A C O N I S (#1319) 18,034$7,970,574 H
895 Sword Of Vengence (#1310) 21,825$7,901,359 C
909 Ming The Merciless (#1308) 18,127$7,654,387 H
913 Penis El Grande (#1312) 17,425$7,520,604 H
914 T H U B A N (#1321) 20,178$7,495,642 H
916 That Will Cost Uranus Pal (#1314) 18,916$7,482,440 C
971 U Bastards Killed Kenny (#1318) 18,973$6,246,302 R
1018 Rectum Darn Near Killed Em (#1320) 17,554$5,253,019 R

Total countries: 43

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