Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2458
Currently Logged in: 194

Top Players - Free For All

Next Reset Fifty-sixth round: Apr 08, 2019 - Jun 08, 2019 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 2917 countries in the Free For All server.

1 ashe (#1790) 71,452$8,870,536,538 DG ChAoS
2 dabears (#29) 20,504$4,349,792,234 DG ChAoS
3 dabears (#23) 82,488$2,129,610,173 DG ChAoS
4 Penny for your (#2676) 60$2,006,661,916 H xICDx
5 Poundcake (#1078)  Game profile 31,652$1,328,054,885 H xICDx
6 Little Big OVERLORD (#2529)  Game profile 101,071$952,899,034 H xICDx
7 ITS OVERlord 4 YOU (#2527)  Game profile 100,769$941,011,795 H xICDx
8 GAME OVERlord (#2526)  Game profile 100,976$938,755,087 H xICDx
9 OVERLORD BONECRUSHER (#2528)  Game profile 100,778$917,493,890 H xICDx
10 OVERLORD Boozer (#2533)  Game profile 101,873$876,288,635 H xICDx
11 OVERLORD WARMONGER (#2532)  Game profile 101,427$866,824,818 H xICDx
12 OVERLORD NETTING MACHINE (#2530)  Game profile 101,119$830,508,239 H xICDx
13 The OVERLORDs 4 THE WIN (#2531)  Game profile 101,581$810,728,126 H xICDx
14 (#94) 304,582$802,363,674 FG ChAoS
15 Die OVERLORDs Macht Frei (#2522)  Game profile 204,014$721,935,278 H xICDx
16 OVERLORD DOMINATOR (#2525)  Game profile 207,113$711,785,447 H xICDx
17 Eaters of the Dead (#2520)  Game profile 205,341$711,240,619 H xICDx
18 SWEDISH SUPREMACY (#2524)  Game profile 203,015$709,184,685 H xICDx
19 (#2318)  Game profile 27,615$705,667,576 DG Azarcon
20 OVERLORD COMMANDO (#2519)  Game profile 204,928$705,170,939 H xICDx
21 Eaters of the Living (#2521)  Game profile 204,484$699,023,091 H xICDx
22 OVERLORD PSYCHO (#2523)  Game profile 201,141$687,293,072 H xICDx
23 The OVERLORD Experiment (#2518)  Game profile 200,196$685,741,162 H xICDx
24 Puff Boy (#1482)  Game profile 24$645,090,590 HG ChAoS
25 Puff Boy (#1483)  Game profile 24$540,270,491 HG ChAoS
26 Puff Boy (#1496)  Game profile 80,849$465,845,680 TG ChAoS
27 Puff Boy (#1489)  Game profile 80,730$456,556,324 TG ChAoS
28 Puff Boy (#1492)  Game profile 81,616$454,383,020 TG ChAoS
29 Puff Boy (#1494)  Game profile 81,333$452,832,215 TG ChAoS
30 Puff Boy (#1493)  Game profile 80,699$451,151,183 TG ChAoS
31 Puff Boy (#1495)  Game profile 80,854$446,836,725 TG ChAoS
32 Puff Boy (#1491)  Game profile 81,514$441,375,209 TG ChAoS
33 Puff Boy (#1490)  Game profile 80,944$438,450,287 TG ChAoS
34 Puff Boy (#1486)  Game profile 24$434,509,716 HG ChAoS
35 Puff Boy (#1485)  Game profile 24$387,839,654 HG ChAoS
36 Puff Boy (#1484)  Game profile 24$386,327,389 HG ChAoS
37 Puff Boy (#1481)  Game profile 24$360,124,293 HG ChAoS
38 dabears (#32) 50,237$355,167,338 T ChAoS
39 dabears (#22) 65,451$351,073,559 T ChAoS
40 dabears (#26) 64,078$333,108,275 T ChAoS
41 D (#2482) 142$330,622,139 H xICDx
42 Puff Boy (#1487)  Game profile 24$329,376,461 HG ChAoS
43 I SEE (#2486) 15$328,963,813 HG xICDx
44 I (#2480) 146$317,476,865 HG xICDx
45 C (#2481) 178$315,404,825 H xICDx
46 C (#2484) 15$314,916,887 H xICDx
47 dabears (#31) 46,117$314,329,066 T ChAoS
48 dabears (#20) 69,846$303,198,690 T ChAoS
49 dabears (#33) 43,606$293,924,023 T ChAoS
50 dabears (#19) 63,644$274,096,355 T ChAoS
51 dabears (#21) 67,564$272,182,298 T ChAoS
52 I (#2483) 148$255,211,503 H xICDx
53 Legend killer yiff (#303) 25,646$254,330,695 T IMP
54 Legend killer yiff (#301) 28,378$252,859,682 T IMP
55 Legend killer yiff (#294) 24,720$251,070,068 T IMP
56 Legend killer yiff (#300) 27,318$249,312,251 T IMP
57 Legend killer yiff (#302) 26,855$244,946,769 T IMP
58 Legend killer yiff (#309) 202,103$244,352,096 C IMP
59 dabears (#24) 77,075$238,348,982 T ChAoS
60 Legend killer yiff (#306) 179,718$230,494,549 C IMP
61 dabears (#30) 46,678$229,054,640 T ChAoS
62 Legend killer yiff (#308) 186,244$225,615,733 C IMP
63 dabears (#27) 53,744$224,817,554 T ChAoS
64 Long Range Toddy (#1287) 97,573$224,701,051 H xICDx
65 dabears (#25) 44,847$222,960,050 T ChAoS
66 Legend killer yiff (#299) 23,511$220,915,372 T IMP
67 Legend killer yiff (#307) 179,232$220,373,802 C IMP
68 Guns (#2691) 61,451$220,049,246 H xICDx
69 Legend killer yiff (#305) 189,463$219,629,614 C IMP
70 Legend killer yiff (#304) 202,404$217,858,338 C IMP
71 dabears (#28) 40,078$217,123,181 T ChAoS
72 Netting (#2689) 37,454$216,038,286 H xICDx
73 Legend killer yiff (#298) 24,445$209,463,697 T IMP
74 Legend killer yiff (#297) 23,424$207,648,147 T IMP
75 Roadster (#1280) 87,216$207,420,611 H xICDx
76 Tax (#1288) 77,215$193,680,422 H xICDx
77 War of Will (#1286) 76,389$192,817,147 H xICDx
78 Bodexpress (#1291) 74,916$188,965,845 H xICDx
79 Signalman (#1292) 82,955$186,994,177 H xICDx
80 bango (#1581)  Game profile 175,636$186,049,993 D xICDx
81 Haikal (#1285) 79,427$185,549,466 H xICDx
82 bingo (#1573)  Game profile 175,518$183,459,502 D xICDx
83 Win Win Win (#1290) 67,080$183,181,653 H xICDx
84 Legend killer yiff (#296) 3372$174,769,366 T IMP
85 BabblingBenzo (#2507)  Game profile 51,568$174,167,037 H xICDx
86 Cutting Humor (#1289) 65,397$172,665,520 H xICDx
87 the big bongo (#1585)  Game profile 174,084$172,443,111 D xICDx
88 the big bingo (#1584)  Game profile 174,871$169,905,983 D xICDx
89 Unchained (#1076)  Game profile 131,863$169,420,479 F xICDx
90 Reeeeaaaal cooool (#3166)  Game profile 28$167,792,040 HG ChAoS
91 bango (#1574)  Game profile 175,351$167,641,831 D xICDx
92 JamminJcat (#1107)  Game profile 50,682$167,395,493 H xICDx
93 keep off the grass (#1589)  Game profile 174,694$167,047,151 D xICDx
94 Shellbark Hickory (#54) 65,843$166,326,387 I IMP
95 MushyMarsha (#2510)  Game profile 51,788$166,283,902 H xICDx
96 bingo (#1580)  Game profile 175,514$166,163,626 D xICDx
97 Legend killer yiff (#295) 21,580$166,113,998 T IMP
98 bingo (#1577)  Game profile 175,064$165,464,441 D xICDx
99 bongo (#1575)  Game profile 175,054$165,364,435 D xICDx
100 FabulousFiat (#2509)  Game profile 51,414$164,995,406 H xICDx

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