Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2458
Currently Logged in: 194

Free For All Clan: Ares (Ares)

Sixth round: Nov 24, 2010 - Jan 25, 2011
Clan Standings
Membership Rank8 of 43
Total Networth Rank10 of 43
Average Networth Rank12 of 43
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
406 Legion (#787) 19,218$30,564,404 H
423 Phargo (#233) 26,826$28,715,690 R
440 NCR (#786) 21,366$27,359,327 R
489 Retaliation (#234) 12,649$23,504,385 T
490 Great Kahns (#788) 17,486$23,360,374 F
491 Boomers (#789) 21,185$23,294,686 C
515 Your Face (#240) 25,840$21,974,823 FG
531 Surgeon General (#245) 25,635$21,190,675 FG
539 Your Face Is A Rules Violation (#235) 14,342$20,680,912 TG
544 Not RLintz (#242) 23,965$20,319,032 FG
547 May Cause Health Problems (#246) 25,804$20,146,394 FG
550 Fx53EAx04xGvtFoodxAgrTech (#248) 27,610$20,079,180 FG
552 Facial Abuse (#241) 23,896$20,057,922 FG
556 Ghost Country (#243) 21,668$19,805,423 FG
564 wOOt (#237) 25,468$19,531,208 FG
576 Have You Seen My Raven (#238) 19,805$19,151,609 FG
592 Where Is Rosco (#239) 22,631$18,661,698 FG
597 Farmville (#244) 24,541$18,526,134 FG
661 12 is SqRT of 1 Bushel (#247) 24,202$16,261,258 FG
667 FFAres (#236) 18,272$15,920,682 T
714 set winner war starter (#1713)  Game profile 20,358$14,784,681 M
752 6t9 mosta thee thyme (#1285)  Game profile 20,482$14,167,551 M
753 all your bases are belong to us (#1903)  Game profile 19,529$14,152,582 M
757 xx that is RL xx (#959)  Game profile 20,426$14,071,873 M
761 end times (#1953)  Game profile 23,657$14,013,471 M
766 grill heat on full blast (#746)  Game profile 20,388$13,899,849 M
789 deadly choices within (#1368)  Game profile 21,641$13,555,727 M
790 euro trippin of canada (#1834)  Game profile 20,643$13,521,797 M
791 bells wistles here (#664)  Game profile 20,217$13,520,492 M
796 (#1257)  Game profile 21,002$13,404,470 M
805 random name here (#426)  Game profile 21,829$13,242,551 M
807 kill run CC (#553)  Game profile 20,628$13,232,136 M
835 ur not gonna live this one out (#1819)  Game profile 19,925$12,514,901 M
841 MrGreenJeans (#2967) 14,174$12,395,096 F
861 BC Sux (#2062)  Game profile 18,179$11,932,742 M
865 JJoshs 2075 (#2075)  Game profile 20,154$11,920,013 M
872 Blunderland (#2966) 15,734$11,851,226 C
893 WhyAmIHere (#1932) 10,433$11,294,939 R
912 16 (#1795)  Game profile 19,325$10,856,140 M
929 MyTown (#1923) 14,306$10,580,796 T
930 Fun 6 (#2984) 16,690$10,516,901 M
976 FarmerJohn (#2968) 12,499$9,877,260 T
994 Fun 1 (#2979) 16,655$9,469,432 M
1001 Land Of The Dancing Goat People (#2996) 14,400$9,362,816 F
1012 Fun Dip (#2990) 17,957$9,122,895 M
1019 Fun 5 (#2983) 18,200$8,923,360 M
1028 (#2994) 17,393$8,750,984 M
1032 Fun 4 (#2982) 18,017$8,681,768 M
1033 Fun 8 (#2986) 17,760$8,681,630 M
1035 Funidiot (#2989) 18,896$8,557,774 M
1038 Fun 3 (#2981) 18,186$8,513,404 M
1040 sjdgsdkl (#2991) 18,181$8,444,965 M
1041 Fun 10 (#2988) 17,839$8,400,598 M
1042 Fun 7 (#2985) 17,841$8,375,587 M
1045 Fun 2 (#2980) 20,132$8,344,037 M
1048 Fun one (#2993) 16,947$8,141,570 M
1061 Funie (#2992) 17,667$7,698,693 M
1071 Peacefull (#2978) 11,344$7,434,931 T
1124 Fun 9 (#2987) 14,547$6,406,311 T
1165 Guido Nation (#765) 16,603$5,290,295 C
1220 DoubleStuff (#3027) 6227$4,231,959 M
1265 Peanut Brittle (#2471) 11,509$3,624,665 CG
1275 DUCK (#3158) 6807$3,458,459 M
1320 SG10 (#2469) 11,849$2,783,094 FG
1329 Taggs Paradise (#766) 11,016$2,633,831 R
1411 Brotherhood (#790) 10,911$1,574,425 I
1428 Mohler Mogue (#767) 10,429$1,441,766 T
1447 Jacobstown (#791) 10,010$1,269,527 H
1595 Gomorrah (#792) 2763$236,415 H
1628 0110010110101001 (#785) 1667$173,781 R
1635 1011000110101000 (#784) 1919$159,446 H

Ranked countries: 71 (Show all countries)

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