Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2458
Currently Logged in: 194

Top Players - Free For All

Next Reset Sixtieth round: Dec 08, 2019 - Feb 06, 2020 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 3009 countries in the Free For All server.

1 Fake Boobs and Tramp Stamps (#2106) 75,186$9,020,646,398 DG LoC
2 I (#1398)  Game profile 305$3,630,399,929 HG LoC
3 (#2813) 107,342$1,470,544,817 T NBK
4 The trooper (#1653)  Game profile 51,538$867,533,466 DG xICDx
5 The trooper (#1654)  Game profile 51,270$861,767,094 DG xICDx
6 The trooper (#1655)  Game profile 51,960$836,875,756 DG xICDx
7 All 4 top 10 (#201) 75,557$798,884,382 DG xICDx
8 The trooper (#1652)  Game profile 51,137$781,342,060 DG xICDx
9 Passion of the Crust (#741) 25,639$777,970,972 H NBK
10 All 4 top 10 (#202) 75,473$764,712,237 DG xICDx
11 All 4 top 10 (#203) 75,553$723,865,234 DG xICDx
12 All 4 top 10 (#204) 74,855$704,948,842 DG xICDx
13 (#1831)  Game profile 218,085$570,217,859 HG xICDx
14 (#1834)  Game profile 218,230$557,054,092 HG xICDx
15 (#1835)  Game profile 218,455$550,915,253 HG xICDx
16 (#1830)  Game profile 218,213$550,257,039 HG xICDx
17 (#1836)  Game profile 218,223$549,829,739 HG xICDx
18 (#1833)  Game profile 218,105$549,235,790 HG xICDx
19 (#1832)  Game profile 217,461$547,773,126 HG xICDx
20 (#1838)  Game profile 217,791$547,195,880 HG xICDx
21 (#1827)  Game profile 217,256$547,026,397 HG xICDx
22 (#1839)  Game profile 217,840$546,062,993 HG xICDx
23 (#1826)  Game profile 217,538$544,275,923 HG xICDx
24 (#1840)  Game profile 217,553$541,668,066 HG xICDx
25 (#1825)  Game profile 217,664$532,994,509 HG xICDx
26 (#1829)  Game profile 217,921$522,404,757 HG xICDx
27 (#1828)  Game profile 217,737$521,778,014 HG xICDx
28 (#1837)  Game profile 217,450$510,422,171 HG xICDx
29 In the land of modor (#2502)  Game profile 43,360$461,442,300 H NBK
30 One ring to find them (#2505)  Game profile 48,560$373,345,064 F NBK
31 (#592) 7823$365,553,586 R LoC
32 Me And You And A Dog Named Boo (#74) 75,432$355,611,894 D LoC
33 Billy and Billie Diner (#160)  Game profile 44,079$338,475,505 H LoC
34 Nederland (#1547) 47,957$319,234,239 T NBK
35 Black Mountain Mafia (#2111) 75,444$312,709,129 D LoC
36 Nederland (#1548) 50,569$307,686,883 T NBK
37 Loaded for Bear (#2109) 75,672$307,372,978 D LoC
38 Me And You And A Dog Named Boo (#73) 72,567$300,432,761 D LoC
39 Hophead (#2118) 75,533$294,795,469 D LoC
40 sugarlands shine (#2107) 75,147$291,502,324 D LoC
41 Nederland (#1545) 45,411$290,145,888 T NBK
42 Hatteras hangover (#2110) 75,341$288,292,642 D LoC
43 Nederland (#1553) 57,093$280,968,020 T NBK
44 demon alcohol (#2112) 75,553$280,940,897 D LoC
45 Seven Restless Reindeer (#159)  Game profile 41,365$280,690,727 H LoC
46 ashe (#2117) 75,564$280,449,552 D LoC
47 Nederland (#1546) 47,349$279,409,472 T NBK
48 Nederland (#1550) 46,513$275,850,882 T NBK
49 Bottoms up (#2120) 75,506$274,442,813 D LoC
50 You and Your Friend (#2113) 75,606$272,830,843 D LoC
51 Old enuff to know better (#2108) 75,262$272,526,161 D LoC
52 Nederland (#1551) 51,121$272,326,079 T NBK
53 Grease Monkees (#158)  Game profile 46,957$269,791,706 H LoC
54 Nederland (#1555) 45,353$269,379,046 T NBK
55 Nederland (#1556) 47,359$268,859,382 T NBK
56 Dont know what it means (#2115) 75,409$267,000,549 D LoC
57 Nederland (#1554) 48,836$266,068,601 T NBK
58 Balalooo (#1775)  Game profile 248,492$264,522,994 F SOTA
59 Nederland (#1559) 49,503$264,205,559 T NBK
60 Nederland (#1560) 43,012$263,350,787 T NBK
61 Zombies from Hell (#2114) 75,336$261,828,896 D LoC
62 Nederland (#1552) 47,848$260,758,127 T NBK
63 ChairmanMao (#1777)  Game profile 243,172$260,372,969 F SOTA
64 Nederland (#1549) 50,658$258,706,825 T NBK
65 Evil Thing (#2119) 75,401$255,573,565 D LoC
66 I come from the water (#2116) 75,706$251,202,966 D LoC
67 Nederland (#1557) 47,851$251,105,926 T NBK
68 Nederland (#1558) 46,749$249,196,421 T NBK
69 Where The Shadows Lie (#2503)  Game profile 42,920$238,303,400 D NBK
70 No Rest for the Wicked (#2105) 75,714$230,747,547 D LoC
71 Me And You And A Dog Named Boo (#72) 130$227,458,318 D LoC
72 Me And You And A Dog Named Boo (#69) 101,000$220,245,584 R LoC
73 Premium users can rename their c (#2070) 1040$215,010,914 D WaR
74 Just the Hiccups (#161)  Game profile 51,715$205,414,994 F LoC
75 Me And You And A Dog Named Boo (#71) 73,105$193,554,125 R LoC
76 Me And You And A Dog Named Boo (#70) 74,586$189,901,939 R LoC
77 Half Pint (#542)  Game profile 41,555$187,309,994 R LoC
78 chickies (#1774)  Game profile 174,997$185,181,438 I SOTA
79 Black sword (#765) 20,060$183,507,959 D SWORDS
80 Jingle Bell Rock (#544)  Game profile 42,123$182,493,214 R LoC
81 Red sword (#764) 20,763$180,610,762 D SWORDS
82 IIauo (#1776)  Game profile 221,436$178,521,546 F SOTA
83 Gold sword (#767) 24,902$175,180,074 H SWORDS
84 Baby Sitter (#543)  Game profile 38,245$171,387,616 R LoC
85 Barit (#2585)  Game profile 223,576$171,112,231 F SOTA
86 Getty up Go (#849)  Game profile 40,896$166,261,145 D LoC
87 Roasted Roosters (#852)  Game profile 39,119$165,365,912 D LoC
88 WhatAbuger (#1515) 53,478$165,149,908 H LoC
89 Hippity Hoppity (#541)  Game profile 38,040$164,950,143 R LoC
90 Torborg Ziska (#891)  Game profile 38,671$162,950,857 D LoC
91 Dang Me (#850)  Game profile 39,538$160,981,714 D LoC
92 Hawks and Eagles (#851)  Game profile 38,524$158,653,806 D LoC
93 Niprik (#893)  Game profile 48,006$157,577,372 I LoC
94 Green sword (#766) 22,937$156,843,384 H SWORDS
95 Nada NoseBleed (#892)  Game profile 37,812$149,686,471 D LoC
96 French Silk sPies (#743) 26,032$144,959,506 H NBK
97 One ring to rule them all (#2504)  Game profile 43,560$144,123,306 F NBK
98 BlueEyesBlackDog (#1772)  Game profile 76,340$143,842,361 H SOTA
99 Where The Shadows Lie (#2508)  Game profile 41,580$141,870,623 R NBK
100 Where The Shadows Lie (#2513)  Game profile 46,520$141,723,833 R NBK

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