Active countries: 2458
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Currently Logged in: 194
Top Players - Tournament
Next Reset | Second round: May 03, 2010 - May 31, 2010 | Prev Reset |
Jump to Current Reset |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
There were 93 countries in game A the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | p h i l t r e (#31) | 14,970 | $17,733,211 | RG |
2 | Land of Shadow (#51) | 20,002 | $16,482,410 | CG |
3 | Millentillion PWNSTAR (#30) | 15,940 | $16,019,819 | CG |
4 | Lands of hope (#75) | 14,811 | $15,525,731 | RG |
5 | Charles (#88) | 6264 | $15,350,220 | DG |
6 | Here We Go Again (#55) | 5457 | $14,299,241 | HG |
7 | Right in Two (#36) | 10,098 | $14,101,733 | RG |
8 | 8LB 6OZ BABYJESUS (#15) | 13,066 | $13,185,487 | DG |
9 | Penn Yan Piranhas (#24) | 5981 | $13,180,518 | HG |
10 | lovey dovey (#49) | 15,543 | $12,495,985 | CG |
There were 67 countries in game B the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | Testes (#25) | 12,423 | $10,704,666 | RG |
2 | cracked (#7) | 13,739 | $9,065,924 | RG |
3 | boredlar (#9) | 15,315 | $8,244,492 | FG |
4 | Valgarian Muscle (#26) | 18,157 | $8,120,025 | CG |
5 | Ugly Americans (#50) | 12,559 | $7,545,918 | FG |
6 | NO LIMITS (#46) | 14,684 | $5,755,457 | CG |
7 | fooling yourself (#49) | 4008 | $5,099,795 | DG |
8 | TheDeathKnightscom (#13) | 11,026 | $4,158,620 | CG |
9 | Empire Drilling SA (#54) | 10,291 | $4,007,211 | RG |
10 | DreamCatcher (#39) | 11,788 | $4,005,795 | DG |
There were 66 countries in game C the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | BooZer (#18) | 9999 | $19,344,234 | HG |
2 | Malaysia (#10) | 11,630 | $11,358,235 | RG |
3 | AhJun Empire (#14) | 13,464 | $9,085,959 | CG |
4 | Innocent Hostility (#26) | 13,558 | $8,393,471 | RG |
5 | r a z o r w i r e (#2) | 12,589 | $8,165,611 | DG |
6 | roar (#27) | 14,024 | $6,158,756 | CG |
7 | Netting but will Fight Back (#5) | 14,502 | $5,907,313 | HG |
8 | Shiva (#12) | 9583 | $5,817,539 | CG |
9 | DAI TORMY DAI (#24) | 4923 | $5,760,571 | HG |
10 | nortek (#28) | 6635 | $5,540,716 | TG |