Active countries: 2459
Currently Logged in: 193
Currently Logged in: 193
Top Players - Tournament
Next Reset | Seventy-seventh round: Jul 31, 2016 - Aug 31, 2016 | Prev Reset |
Jump to Current Reset |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
There were 39 countries in game A the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | AmazingGrace (#40) | 14,980 | $27,941,931 | RG |
2 | Never (#8) | 13,980 | $26,310,720 | RG |
3 | Martha Samaria (#36) | 16,992 | $25,943,369 | RG |
4 | BeE Po bEe po BEe pO (#23) | 11,774 | $25,644,074 | DG |
5 | Furano (#14) | 13,971 | $24,869,493 | RG |
6 | Zod (#34) | 10,328 | $22,682,726 | HG |
7 | Arathadoxia (#18) | 12,745 | $20,587,605 | RG |
8 | Land of Little People (#31) | 5491 | $19,613,502 | DG |
9 | Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria (#22) | 14,191 | $19,570,072 | CG |
10 | dustland (#12) | 14,845 | $18,781,594 | CG |
There were 115 countries in game B the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | HowdyDoody (#26) | 5439 | $21,336,145 | HG |
2 | xxxFR33D0Mxxx (#7) | 20,277 | $20,786,602 | RG |
3 | Vipers Nest (#2) | 15,479 | $14,210,245 | CG |
4 | Semblance of Reality (#22) | 16,265 | $13,952,930 | CG |
5 | Pseudomonas (#29) | 8770 | $12,032,905 | HG |
6 | I Tried So Hard (#1) | 12,525 | $11,409,763 | RG |
7 | KIRK (#34) | 10,104 | $9,681,541 | CG |
8 | scotchnsoda (#3) | 10,950 | $8,176,879 | DG |
9 | PoopyPlace (#12) | 12,408 | $8,018,506 | CG |
10 | TrinityRebal (#72) | 14,452 | $7,455,126 | FG |
There were 115 countries in game C the Tournament server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
1 | Back again (#10) | 16,834 | $25,956,819 | CG |
2 | Valhalla (#50) | 12,345 | $19,000,000 | DG |
3 | Maple Leafs Hockey (#26) | 19,173 | $18,263,953 | CG |
4 | Azn Sensazn (#3) | 18,502 | $17,446,241 | CG |
5 | Froakie Froak (#61) | 16,666 | $14,847,343 | CG |
6 | InfidelSoF (#14) | 11,140 | $13,049,060 | RG |
7 | Padaxes (#35) | 13,319 | $12,526,603 | CG |
8 | Number1Spot (#46) | 15,685 | $12,125,052 | FG |
9 | Snowman (#20) | 10,034 | $10,882,941 | CG |
10 | Earth Has Good Grafix (#16) | 13,221 | $9,091,976 | RG |