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Top Clans - Alliance

Next Reset Twenty-eighth round: Jun 07, 2014 - Aug 07, 2014 Prev Reset
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Top 24 (out of 24) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Evolution EvOsso 33 $3,228,977,152 $97,847,792
Paradigm Paradigm 30 $2,073,289,409 $69,109,647
The Omega TheOmega 20 $1,879,890,431 $93,994,522
RIVAL RIVAL 17 $1,684,429,661 $99,084,098
The Infernal Elite TIE 26 $1,389,768,969 $53,452,653
The Pinoy Alliance Pin00bs 12 $1,133,926,272 $94,493,856
Infernal Council of Nations ICNxGary 17 $1,016,653,158 $59,803,127
Monsters MONSTERS 12 $918,768,259 $76,564,022
RAGE RAGE 46 $884,547,645 $19,229,297
Moral Decay MD 50 $790,356,530 $15,807,131
The Death Knights DK 11 $684,832,711 $62,257,519
La Famiglia LaF 35 $638,088,937 $18,231,112
Survival of the Fittest SoF 43 $638,027,285 $14,837,844
La Cosa Nostra LCNostra 22 $603,439,551 $27,429,071
THE MIGHTY CLAN [DANGER]! DANGER 5 $216,748,865 $21,674,887
Imagnum ImagNum 3 $89,723,417 $8,972,342
The TITANS TITANS 4 $77,964,663 $7,796,466
SoL VampsSoL 42 $76,317,845 $1,817,092
WOOD WOOD 9 $12,448,346 $1,244,835
SUS sussus 1 $8,229,642 $822,964
KKS 1 $4,676,053 $467,605
Royalty Roy 1 $435,365 $43,537
MDwillWIN xMDx 1 $27,800 $2780
United Federation of NATO UNFNATO 1 $9148 $915

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