Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2458
Currently Logged in: 194

Top Players - Free For All

Next Reset Twenty-second round: Aug 03, 2013 - Oct 03, 2013 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 2428 countries in the Free For All server.

1 Straightguy (#1152) 225,868$1,585,564,552 HG NBK
2 Jamacian Jerk (#1185) 553,169$1,213,598,516 HG NBK
3 alpha (#247)  Game profile 51,212$1,128,489,961 D CC
4 Mechanical Soul (#896) 293,110$1,062,215,587 H NBK
5 Colorado Outlaw (#922) 40,872$865,277,604 D NBK
6 Donny Wins again (#310)  Game profile 27,367$844,122,371 DG CC
7 mdevol (#1387) 13,337$716,471,616 D CC
8 Azarcon (#811) 161,393$624,938,105 D PANLV
9 smegma on a stick (#731) 353,602$579,744,786 R NBK
10 Enterprise NX01 (#190)  Game profile 119,500$551,750,593 DG PANLV
11 Raging Budda (#110) 26,837$537,663,195 DG CC
12 Peter Granberg (#40)  Game profile 60,549$521,457,052 H KWA
13 WILD (#1333)  Game profile 62,789$467,704,204 D WILD
14 Bayern (#1073) 20,134$458,522,787 FG CC
15 shiba (#245) 100,665$355,276,996 HG XIdiots
16 C R O A T I A (#1526)  Game profile 13,324$307,701,868 D NBK
17 Bloodstone (#513) 174,464$307,098,810 D SOTA
18 Jesse Blacker (#41)  Game profile 36,396$296,392,453 HG KWA
19 Corn In The Poo (#475) 69,326$290,856,221 H NBK
20 Alpha 0NE (#1166)  Game profile 111,487$287,052,673 H SOTA
21 TKO LiNa (#152) 64,337$284,898,098 HG TKO
22 a couple of acres (#1159) 35,271$245,165,668 HG PANLV
23 1 (#1287) 35,677$234,719,015 HG PANLV
24 a couple of acres (#1164) 35,076$232,591,431 HG PANLV
25 a couple of acres (#1158) 35,881$232,484,098 HG PANLV
26 2 (#1289) 36,106$229,873,733 HG PANLV
27 a couple of acres (#1157) 35,021$229,292,532 HG PANLV
28 a couple of acres (#1162) 36,364$228,032,440 HG PANLV
29 3 (#1290) 35,288$228,017,043 HG PANLV
30 a couple of acres (#1163) 36,089$226,938,671 HG PANLV
31 a couple of acres (#1161) 35,231$225,641,331 HG PANLV
32 1 (#1288) 35,749$225,234,050 HG PANLV
33 21 (#1294) 35,214$223,552,985 HG PANLV
34 Russel Wilson (#1334)  Game profile 101,974$223,067,842 FG XIdiots
35 13 (#1293) 36,513$220,988,133 HG PANLV
36 8 (#1292) 36,305$218,555,966 HG PANLV
37 5 (#1291) 35,205$217,172,328 HG PANLV
38 a couple of acres (#1160) 34,233$209,590,594 HG PANLV
39 The3 (#941) 32,140$206,374,351 HG PANLV
40 The1 (#939) 31,740$205,429,160 HG PANLV
41 Scooter McGroovin 1 (#1627)  Game profile 117,337$201,099,910 H XIdiots
42 The4 (#942) 30,815$200,776,173 HG PANLV
43 The2 (#940) 30,732$200,539,658 HG PANLV
44 RAinOfSTEEL (#1299) 16,193$196,942,272 DG SOTA
45 NBK 4 LiFE (#1201) 22,704$189,940,482 T NBK
46 IMPALER (#1767)  Game profile 27,692$177,057,550 F PANLV
47 (#352) 25,194$174,282,470 DG PANLV
48 (#354) 25,438$173,901,784 DG PANLV
49 (#353) 25,375$171,257,739 DG PANLV
50 Tom Bombadil (#30) 51,988$171,013,580 D PANLV
51 Samwise Gamgee (#32) 51,425$170,869,747 D PANLV
52 Galadriel (#29) 50,548$169,296,378 D PANLV
53 yes man (#360) 25,022$168,671,191 DG PANLV
54 helppo maali (#359) 25,488$168,008,188 DG PANLV
55 sotilas (#358) 25,321$166,411,802 DG PANLV
56 MUFASAs Carhole (#1177)  Game profile 55,289$166,278,639 H SOTA
57 (#355) 25,286$166,051,547 DG PANLV
58 Eowyn (#31) 50,853$165,764,956 D PANLV
59 The Ultimate Warrier (#1105) 66,288$165,733,744 HG PANLV
60 The14 (#952) 42,572$165,027,539 RG PANLV
61 Sting (#1102) 65,240$164,552,757 HG PANLV
62 The15 (#953) 42,545$164,473,650 RG PANLV
63 Hacksaw Jim Duggan (#1091) 65,684$164,374,139 HG PANLV
64 Andre the Giant (#1092) 66,951$164,241,216 HG PANLV
65 The Undertaker (#1101) 65,398$164,154,639 HG PANLV
66 The Giant (#1094) 65,116$163,646,262 HG PANLV
67 RIck Flair (#1103) 65,170$163,541,093 HG PANLV
68 The Macho Man (#1099) 64,865$163,248,657 HG PANLV
69 Rowdy Roddy Piper (#1104) 64,199$162,458,104 HG PANLV
70 open bar (#362) 25,390$162,458,018 DG PANLV
71 Mankind (#1096) 64,265$162,233,976 HG PANLV
72 Stone Cold Steve Austin (#1100) 64,165$162,145,602 HG PANLV
73 Goldberg (#1095) 65,410$161,962,247 HG PANLV
74 The16 (#954) 41,414$161,660,469 RG PANLV
75 Hulk Hogan (#1106) 63,784$161,627,832 HG PANLV
76 simple casual and smart (#363) 25,244$161,028,906 DG PANLV
77 Chris Benoit (#1097) 63,672$160,388,681 HG PANLV
78 PANcake (#366) 25,177$160,207,171 DG PANLV
79 Norman Smiley (#1093) 63,369$160,182,250 HG PANLV
80 The13 (#951) 41,337$159,605,570 RG PANLV
81 car stuff (#361) 25,288$159,425,017 DG PANLV
82 kuolema (#357) 25,188$159,367,370 DG PANLV
83 The Rock (#1098) 64,292$158,332,517 HG PANLV
84 creighton (#75) 50,618$157,282,552 H TKO
85 posti (#356) 25,313$155,940,043 DG PANLV
86 PANama (#364) 25,180$155,279,937 DG PANLV
87 PANair (#365) 25,084$155,271,883 DG PANLV
88 EVH Wolfgang (#473) 54,277$155,066,539 H NBK
89 montanta (#80) 53,969$154,385,515 H TKO
90 Jerry DAmigo (#42)  Game profile 29,006$154,337,877 H KWA
91 SG (#468) 54,051$153,781,212 H NBK
92 huskers (#76) 50,774$151,615,629 H TKO
93 Les Paul (#462) 54,574$151,487,994 H NBK
94 Flying V (#463) 53,468$150,644,455 H NBK
95 Carter Ashton (#43)  Game profile 26,394$150,348,887 H KWA
96 Music Man (#469) 53,319$149,407,678 H NBK
97 Telecaster (#465) 51,920$149,005,507 H NBK
98 Warlock (#466) 52,275$148,885,541 H NBK
99 Parker Fly (#464) 52,342$148,338,274 H NBK
100 PANts (#367) 25,414$147,643,662 DG PANLV

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