Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2543
Currently Logged in: 172

Top Players - Free For All

Next Reset Twenty-ninth round: Oct 04, 2014 - Dec 03, 2014 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 1956 countries in the Free For All server.

1 Going Out in Style (#925) 31,854$1,417,708,086 D ICDxMM
2 1 (#609) 67,572$1,288,065,400 DG TKOwnd
3 Brady (#943) 20,985$634,461,516 HG ICDxMM
4 Brady (#944) 20,830$613,977,312 HG ICDxMM
5 Chef Aid (#169) 125,592$558,720,273 H ICDxMM
6 Rocker (#89)  Game profile 31,588$491,060,543 D 0NE
7 Polish Wiper (#507)  Game profile 41,241$473,047,767 D 0NE
8 I love lidiaberta (#756) 12,343$472,774,964 DG ICDxMM
9 Gone Girl (#666) 27,737$448,387,870 R TKOwnd
10 Faith (#1254) 23,474$351,768,716 D TKOwnd
11 bottle (#196) 40,240$297,102,483 H 0NE
12 Bjs bandits 17 (#399)  Game profile 18,882$292,883,393 D ICDxMM
13 XxWaNgErxX (#224)  Game profile 20,361$263,768,660 H TKOwnd
14 XxWaNgErxX (#223)  Game profile 98,066$232,780,881 C TKOwnd
15 One (#138) 41,262$230,677,240 H ICDxMM
16 Raging Buddah (#1) 31,584$223,354,457 DG CC
17 Where The Shadows Lie (#625)  Game profile 60,020$221,703,919 D NBKxMM
18 Faith (#1252) 17,921$203,796,378 R TKOwnd
19 PROJECT OVERLORD (#368)  Game profile 57,565$202,460,970 H ICDxMM
20 Little Big OverLord (#362)  Game profile 57,489$201,289,023 H ICDxMM
21 OVERLORD AGENDA (#367)  Game profile 57,206$199,611,417 H ICDxMM
22 OverLord Hunter (#376)  Game profile 57,364$199,552,923 H ICDxMM
23 Eaters Of The Dead (#363)  Game profile 57,799$199,418,872 H ICDxMM
24 The OVERLORDs 4 THE WIN (#369)  Game profile 57,440$199,065,221 H ICDxMM
25 Eaters Of The Living (#364)  Game profile 57,110$198,689,748 H ICDxMM
26 DIE OVERLORDs MACHT FREI (#365)  Game profile 57,881$197,732,405 H ICDxMM
27 SWEDISH SUPREMACY (#361)  Game profile 54,579$195,865,003 H ICDxMM
28 Mad Morticia1 (#977) 126,163$195,474,677 RG PANLVxMM
29 GAME OVERlord (#373)  Game profile 54,660$195,430,176 H ICDxMM
30 the book of mormon (#73)  Game profile 38,676$194,114,238 D ICDxMM
31 OVERLORD Boozer (#370)  Game profile 54,480$193,885,490 H ICDxMM
32 OVERLORD WARMACHINE (#371)  Game profile 54,865$193,816,944 H ICDxMM
33 ITS OVERlord 4 YOU (#374)  Game profile 54,824$193,224,967 H ICDxMM
34 OVERLORD PSYCHO (#375)  Game profile 54,325$193,063,011 H ICDxMM
35 OVERLORD WARRIOR (#366)  Game profile 54,819$192,680,964 H ICDxMM
36 XxWaNgErxX (#234)  Game profile 25,874$192,431,111 H TKOwnd
37 OVERLORD WARMONGER (#372)  Game profile 54,512$190,024,206 H ICDxMM
38 wigglewigglewiggle (#1012) 50,498$179,672,167 HG PANLVxMM
39 wigglewigglewiggle (#1015) 50,667$178,595,337 HG PANLVxMM
40 wigglewigglewiggle (#1024) 50,087$178,055,771 HG PANLVxMM
41 wigglewigglewiggle (#1013) 50,594$177,641,168 HG PANLVxMM
42 wigglewigglewiggle (#1016) 50,065$177,551,997 HG PANLVxMM
43 wigglewigglewiggle (#1020) 49,884$177,482,920 HG PANLVxMM
44 wigglewigglewiggle (#1014) 49,896$176,919,433 HG PANLVxMM
45 wigglewigglewiggle (#1010) 50,279$176,644,161 HG PANLVxMM
46 wigglewigglewiggle (#1021) 50,016$176,573,687 HG PANLVxMM
47 wigglewigglewiggle (#1017) 49,959$176,553,898 HG PANLVxMM
48 wigglewigglewiggle (#1011) 50,262$176,455,420 HG PANLVxMM
49 wigglewigglewiggle (#1018) 49,824$176,455,306 HG PANLVxMM
50 wigglewigglewiggle (#1009) 50,252$176,398,990 HG PANLVxMM
51 wigglewigglewiggle (#1019) 49,244$175,512,263 HG PANLVxMM
52 wigglewigglewiggle (#1022) 49,498$175,267,778 HG PANLVxMM
53 wigglewigglewiggle (#1023) 49,392$175,042,849 HG PANLVxMM
54 Bjs bandits 29 (#411)  Game profile 16,559$174,692,133 D ICDxMM
55 xXxWranglerxXx (#510)  Game profile 71,851$174,520,232 H 0NE
56 Bjs bandits 22 (#404)  Game profile 14,317$169,067,184 D ICDxMM
57 Toronto Maple Leafs (#149) 57,920$165,934,411 H ICDxMM
58 Bjs bandits 28 (#410)  Game profile 16,441$161,567,078 D ICDxMM
59 Toronto Maple Leafs (#150) 55,352$161,085,260 H ICDxMM
60 Toronto Maple Leafs (#151) 55,494$160,175,677 H ICDxMM
61 Toronto Maple Leafs (#152) 54,306$158,981,616 H ICDxMM
62 Toronto Maple Leafs (#155) 53,464$156,725,082 H ICDxMM
63 Toronto Maple Leafs (#159) 52,660$155,406,571 H ICDxMM
64 Toronto Maple Leafs (#160) 52,624$154,676,516 H ICDxMM
65 Toronto Maple Leafs (#157) 53,023$154,548,707 H ICDxMM
66 Toronto Maple Leafs (#154) 53,463$154,043,199 H ICDxMM
67 Toronto Maple Leafs (#153) 54,126$153,860,674 H ICDxMM
68 Toronto Maple Leafs (#156) 52,973$153,453,699 H ICDxMM
69 Mufasa Kielbasa (#500)  Game profile 39,181$152,805,162 H 0NE
70 Toronto Maple Leafs (#158) 52,619$152,797,765 H ICDxMM
71 Toronto Maple Leafs (#163) 52,436$152,166,710 H ICDxMM
72 Toronto Maple Leafs (#161) 52,433$151,635,697 H ICDxMM
73 Toronto Maple Leafs (#162) 52,293$150,226,648 H ICDxMM
74 Toronto Maple Leafs (#164) 52,277$147,207,906 H ICDxMM
75 MadMorticia (#851) 42,662$145,022,227 HG PANLVxMM
76 Mad Morticia (#852) 42,568$143,127,677 HG PANLVxMM
77 PANLV misses MM (#854) 42,808$141,865,259 HG PANLVxMM
78 MM to the top (#856) 43,008$141,548,211 HG PANLVxMM
79 long time veteran MadMorticia (#865) 42,853$141,246,000 HG PANLVxMM
80 MadMorticia the viking (#853) 42,537$140,927,279 HG PANLVxMM
81 Mad Morticia our hero (#855) 42,989$140,571,786 HG PANLVxMM
82 Happiness (#392)  Game profile 29,559$139,601,042 H TKOwnd
83 the beloved MadMorticia (#866) 42,702$138,901,653 HG PANLVxMM
84 MM was too young (#857) 42,934$137,218,782 HG PANLVxMM
85 still have that woodenspoon MM (#864) 42,694$136,504,388 HG PANLVxMM
86 Not What You Thought (#145) 25,642$136,427,033 H ICDxMM
87 One Day (#393)  Game profile 31,310$135,495,848 H TKOwnd
88 MM the top viking (#859) 42,399$135,153,942 HG PANLVxMM
89 silent moment for MM (#863) 42,618$134,586,448 HG PANLVxMM
90 Juusto misses MadMorticia (#862) 42,460$134,190,448 HG PANLVxMM
91 MM our long time leader (#861) 42,388$134,016,241 HG PANLVxMM
92 we had so much fun together MM (#860) 42,335$132,954,310 HG PANLVxMM
93 red badge of gayness (#74)  Game profile 33,813$131,724,135 D ICDxMM
94 Mad Morticia a real lady (#858) 43,037$127,640,478 HG PANLVxMM
95 7 (#15) 27,250$122,124,605 D TKOwnd
96 Blue Angels (#41) 56,958$118,740,859 FG PANLVxMM
97 The Fourth Demension (#48) 57,082$118,361,105 FG PANLVxMM
98 Life Begins at Conception (#49) 57,258$118,269,040 FG PANLVxMM
99 Guardian Angel (#44) 57,332$118,068,162 FG PANLVxMM
100 Save Us (#42) 56,957$117,327,766 FG PANLVxMM

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