Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2458
Currently Logged in: 194

Top Players - Free For All

Next Reset Twenty-eighth round: Aug 04, 2014 - Oct 03, 2014 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 2142 countries in the Free For All server.

1 xTIGERx (#967)  Game profile 205,194$2,314,766,138 HG TKOwnd
2 Donny (#16)  Game profile 33,400$2,121,962,876 DG CC
3 XxWaNgErxX (#223)  Game profile 19,867$1,008,782,851 DG TKOwnd
4 luke kuechly (#165)  Game profile 85,308$872,060,449 D TITTIES
5 time to win (#1296) 57,951$825,951,530 H TITTIES
6 Mat Cauthon (#736) 34,839$812,566,041 DG CC
7 mdevol (#476) 12,315$796,909,525 D NBK
8 darsh4 (#721)  Game profile 49,287$761,938,055 H xICDx
9 cam newton (#161)  Game profile 81,400$601,064,843 D TITTIES
10 That One (#535) 101,322$531,936,855 H xICDx
11 I LOVE LIDIA (#813) 10,930$507,237,278 HG xICDx
12 WOW (#146) 44,915$497,926,045 HG 0NE
13 QM DIVER (#569) 86,419$466,498,768 T NBK
14 Initial D (#1120) 40,141$327,586,453 D IMP
15 I (#188)  Game profile 51,311$303,583,522 H 0NE
16 money14 (#221) 8684$302,430,189 R TKOwnd
17 Rocker (#102)  Game profile 28,335$291,381,133 H DX
18 CC (#2055) 38,109$269,443,964 HG CC
19 Vanilla Kush (#459)  Game profile 45,181$264,085,146 D xICDx
20 Best Place To Be (#984) 131,824$238,323,155 H xICDx
21 Buckingham Green (#1015) 43,061$238,312,611 H xICDx
22 Syko Rules All (#2504)  Game profile 91,921$233,486,645 FG IMP
23 Happy Colored Marbles (#1019) 32,288$228,951,864 D xICDx
24 Sword Art Online (#1121) 30,485$226,470,923 H IMP
25 Magi (#1124) 30,367$225,542,387 H IMP
26 HawksRevenge (#751) 51,034$221,029,364 T ChAoS
27 Burmese Kush (#458)  Game profile 44,320$193,788,304 D xICDx
28 humdrum boogie (#897)  Game profile 34,951$191,682,834 H 0NE
29 Hindu Kush (#457)  Game profile 44,384$191,059,563 D xICDx
30 Sour Kush (#460)  Game profile 43,648$189,881,610 D xICDx
31 Princess Superstar (#1160) 9073$188,235,517 D NBK
32 OVERLORD PSYCHO (#1135)  Game profile 53,322$180,288,897 H xICDx
33 DIE OVERLORDs MACHT FREI (#1129)  Game profile 53,207$179,780,331 H xICDx
34 OVERLORD 4 YOU (#1133)  Game profile 51,874$179,662,687 H xICDx
35 Little Big OverLord (#1126)  Game profile 52,129$179,513,241 H xICDx
36 OVERLORD WARMONGER (#1136)  Game profile 51,527$178,942,506 H xICDx
37 ITS OVERlord 4 YOU (#1138)  Game profile 52,574$178,848,659 H xICDx
38 Eaters Of The Living (#1128)  Game profile 52,436$177,760,328 H xICDx
39 Eaters Of The Dead (#1127)  Game profile 51,882$176,879,239 H xICDx
40 Newworld 1 (#282) 41,564$175,378,141 DG TKOwnd
41 GAME OVERlord (#1134)  Game profile 50,458$174,804,094 H xICDx
42 SWEDISH SUPREMACY (#1125)  Game profile 49,499$173,819,279 H xICDx
43 The OVERLORDs 4 THE WIN (#1137)  Game profile 50,614$173,499,952 H xICDx
44 OVERLORD AGENDA (#1131)  Game profile 50,096$173,073,484 H xICDx
45 OVERLORD WARRIOR (#1130)  Game profile 51,158$171,386,538 H xICDx
46 OVERLORD Boozer (#1139)  Game profile 48,863$171,192,431 H xICDx
47 PROJECT OVERLORD (#1132)  Game profile 49,366$169,246,775 H xICDx
48 OVERLORD WARMACHINE (#1140)  Game profile 49,880$168,632,995 H xICDx
49 Shaman King (#1123) 26,007$165,701,500 H IMP
50 NBK (#372) 20,610$162,998,263 T NBK
51 money (#207) 120,658$160,658,921 R TKOwnd
52 Jacks son (#918)  Game profile 36,291$158,837,416 H 0NE
53 SWEDISH VIPER is Gay (#803) 10,839$157,854,550 H xICDx
54 Lets Do It Again (#782) 48,017$156,524,037 H xICDx
55 Lets Do It Again (#797) 49,303$156,127,751 H xICDx
56 Lets Do It Again (#784) 48,880$155,142,552 H xICDx
57 Lets Do It Again (#794) 48,950$155,142,058 H xICDx
58 Lets Do It Again (#790) 48,825$155,081,521 H xICDx
59 Lets Do It Again (#795) 48,978$155,032,605 H xICDx
60 Lets Do It Again (#791) 48,672$154,427,546 H xICDx
61 Lets Do It Again (#796) 48,810$154,376,665 H xICDx
62 Black Cat (#1122) 25,604$153,691,720 H IMP
63 Lets Do It Again (#788) 48,473$152,782,281 H xICDx
64 Lets Do It Again (#786) 47,963$152,709,880 H xICDx
65 Lets Do It Again (#785) 47,836$152,691,849 H xICDx
66 Kansas City Chiefs (#926) 47,271$152,457,205 HG PANLV
67 Lets Do It Again (#789) 47,971$152,288,963 H xICDx
68 Lets Do It Again (#787) 48,017$152,118,479 H xICDx
69 Lets Do It Again (#792) 48,253$151,697,615 H xICDx
70 New England Patriots (#921) 46,942$151,389,705 HG PANLV
71 Baltimore Ravens (#923) 46,755$151,270,037 HG PANLV
72 Lets Do It Again (#793) 47,585$150,882,848 H xICDx
73 New York Jets (#927) 46,689$150,485,546 HG PANLV
74 Pittsburgh Steelers (#933) 46,429$149,564,394 HG PANLV
75 Lets Do It Again (#783) 47,813$149,166,550 H xICDx
76 Cleveland Browns (#932) 46,209$148,970,869 HG PANLV
77 Cincinnati Bengals (#928) 46,093$148,693,270 HG PANLV
78 Houston Texans (#929) 46,009$148,573,354 HG PANLV
79 Oakland Raiders (#934) 46,027$148,528,173 HG PANLV
80 Tennessee Titans (#931) 45,900$148,335,046 HG PANLV
81 Buffalo Bills (#925) 45,887$148,043,528 HG PANLV
82 Jacksonville Jaguars (#935) 45,829$147,973,718 HG PANLV
83 Miami Dolphins (#930) 45,544$147,190,147 HG PANLV
84 darsh5 (#722)  Game profile 26,914$146,545,626 F xICDx
85 Newworld 10 (#291) 41,744$143,176,762 DG TKOwnd
86 One day (#780)  Game profile 29,261$142,654,390 HG TKOwnd
87 11 (#80) 20,002$141,271,860 H TKOwnd
88 Indianapolis Colts (#922) 43,415$140,930,081 HG PANLV
89 15 (#84) 20,000$138,304,662 H TKOwnd
90 San Diego Chargers (#924) 41,082$137,884,567 HG PANLV
91 Newworld 15 (#296) 42,234$137,236,620 DG TKOwnd
92 Newworld 4 (#285) 42,841$136,772,705 DG TKOwnd
93 Newworld 9 (#290) 41,968$135,987,362 DG TKOwnd
94 Newworld 5 (#286) 42,718$135,298,497 DG TKOwnd
95 Newworld 11 (#292) 42,563$134,107,146 DG TKOwnd
96 Newworld 3 (#284) 42,613$133,558,857 DG TKOwnd
97 Michael Jordan (#389) 39,490$133,197,743 H xICDx
98 Newworld 7 (#288) 43,562$133,116,170 DG TKOwnd
99 Magic Johnson (#390) 38,748$130,890,980 H xICDx
100 Newworld 14 (#295) 42,620$128,955,366 DG TKOwnd

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