Aug 24 - Oct 22
Sep 25 - Sep 29
Sep 12 - Nov 10
Sep 2 - Sep 30
Active countries: 3861
Currently Logged in: 200

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

NetworthLandTop 100Top 10Best 3Attack Success
KillsDeathsPop KilledAttacksMissilesDefends

Best 3 Finishes

This leaderboard ranks users by the sum of their best three finishes and divides by 3. All countries, except those played in FFA, count towards this leaderboard. This leaderboard is updated once a day.

Prev Page
26494Anal Administratio$15
26494Wombat Poop$15
26494The Tribbles$15
26494Canadian Goose Poo$15