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Top Clans - Team

Next Reset 100th round: Jul 01, 2018 - Jul 31, 2018 Prev Reset
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Top 16 (out of 16) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Mel Gibson Villains VILLAINS 5 $44,010,763 $8,802,153
sicksack ZigZag 5 $23,542,778 $4,708,556
Wicked BEG 1 $19,318,752 $19,318,752
just do it weedylar 4 $17,561,303 $4,390,326
Rainbow Warriers RW 1 $12,625,658 $12,625,658
GuardianZZ of The Galaxy ZagZig 5 $12,152,429 $2,430,486
Cows With Guns CWG 5 $9,353,932 $1,870,786
Reborn Reborn 3 $9,133,846 $3,044,615
Aren't all number 2s dirty ROSANNE 4 $6,460,347 $1,615,087
Demon Warrior's Dwar 5 $6,367,260 $1,273,452
RYBKA RYBKA 2 $5,952,268 $2,976,134
We R 5 Friends Looking To Net SuperFly 3 $5,554,419 $1,851,473
Full Retal FRetal 4 $4,873,771 $1,218,443
mobs mobs misfits misfits 5 $3,308,507 $661,701
Freedom Fighter Alliance FFA 1 $336,203 $336,203
The Sleeping Link Triforce 1 $7450 $7450

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