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Top Clans - Team

Next Reset 102nd round: Sep 01, 2018 - Oct 01, 2018 Prev Reset
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Top 12 (out of 12) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Hot Chicks and Fast Cars HCaFC 5 $259,989,682 $51,997,936
Green Lantern Villains VILLAINS 5 $189,069,994 $37,813,999
GodzZilla ZigZag 5 $158,139,553 $31,627,911
Fat Chicks & Hot Cars FCHC 2 $126,079,645 $63,039,823
ZZ Space Patrol Delta ZagZig 3 $59,205,469 $19,735,156
OverZzlept and missed tagging ZigZig 3 $52,091,779 $17,363,926
i can haz cheezburger? weedylar 3 $42,229,354 $14,076,451
Shadow Hunters Darkness 5 $37,931,911 $7,586,382
It Burns When I PvP FIREPISS 5 $36,826,854 $7,365,371
Shadow Hunters (Darkness) Darkn3ss 2 $8,982,089 $4,491,045
Cows With Guns CWG 5 $5,582,411 $1,116,482
Reborn Reborn 2 $1,177,708 $588,854

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