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Top Clans - Team

Next Reset Sixteenth round: Apr 11, 2011 - May 11, 2011 Prev Reset
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Top 25 (out of 36) clans ranked by average networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Death Before disco DBD 5 $186,596,600 $37,319,320
Death By DubStep DBD2 5 $186,151,505 $37,230,301
Every Time Fun Time ETFT 5 $155,590,887 $31,118,177
SKY infidelz SKYxRD 3 $93,148,640 $31,049,547
Death Before ? DBD3 5 $154,453,568 $30,890,714
The Worms Worms 3 $91,765,391 $30,588,464
Game On GameOn 2 $51,026,400 $25,513,200
xLoTx 4 $101,777,010 $25,444,253
Wolves of Anarchy CHAOS 5 $113,609,784 $22,721,957
Reservoir Dogs xRD 4 $89,937,839 $22,484,460
KWA 4 life KWA 2 $42,958,816 $21,479,408
Female Body Inspector CRACKLE 4 $83,103,462 $20,775,866
lords of time 1 LORDs 5 $100,315,363 $20,063,073
LORDS xLORDSx 5 $99,126,447 $19,825,289
THE HOUSE OF IRON FIST ZEN KINGZEN 5 $95,292,534 $19,058,507
Disciples of Discipline Order 5 $91,944,552 $18,388,910
Rids Server Goo RDxFARM 5 $77,743,977 $15,548,795
Wrath of Gods DETMER 5 $53,648,179 $10,729,636
Reservoir Dogs RDxGanja 2 $20,028,930 $10,014,465
MKR Wolves mkrwlvs 4 $34,455,351 $8,613,838
SNAP SNAP 2 $15,018,131 $7,509,066
Reservoir Dogs ResDogs 4 $29,712,718 $7,428,180
Female Body Inspector PoP 5 $35,848,156 $7,169,631
Midknight Riders MKR 5 $27,620,950 $5,524,190
Templars xTx 5 $25,701,395 $5,140,279

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