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Top Clans - Team

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Top 15 (out of 15) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
ZigZagging General Sherman ZigZag 4 $233,903,373 $58,475,843
zorp promises not to not suck weedylar 5 $208,830,704 $41,766,141
North Korean Military Villains VILLAINZ 4 $176,069,272 $44,017,318
We Miss You MountainYeti Top10 4 $126,009,327 $31,502,332
Smashin Warpkins ZagZig 5 $102,984,240 $20,596,848
COWS WITH GUNS cwg 5 $94,664,935 $18,932,987
Unholy Monks MonkZ 5 $89,710,703 $17,942,141
The Elders Elders 5 $19,852,550 $3,970,510
Kung Fury KungFU 3 $2,837,002 $945,667
dapaintrain dpaintrn 2 $2,356,172 $1,178,086
Fighting Monkeys FM 3 $2,100,694 $700,231
Dabbling xDabblex 1 $285,704 $285,704
The Kings of War WaRgOd 1 $93,663 $93,663
villains villains 1 $32,567 $32,567
them all collect 1 $13,717 $13,717

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